Istanbul in Colors - New Airport and Photo Album


I don't know exactly how many times I have visited Istanbul.
I kind of lost tracks of my visits and transits in this mesmerising city.
Historical architectures with elaborated designs, turquoise ceramics and delicious chicken adana kebab are only a few things that make me so fond of this city.  
The long history of this very city, dotted with intrigues, love stories and adventures, is truly an invaluable lesson. 
Not to mention the clear blue sky and plush green trees. 
Colourful, exotic spices, one-of-a-kind souvenirs and friendly people of Istanbul add more  I-heart-you feeling whenever I am around.

Morning at the Germain Fountain, next to the Blue Mosque
Since I travel quite frequently to Geneva and New York City for works, I have been using Turkish Airlines a lot.
I have to admit that the route as well as the ticket fare are friendly.
And that means I have to transit in Istanbul.
Well, happy to do so. 

a piece of history..

As I have the chance to see its many faces, I tried to see different part of the city.
I have been walking around Sultanahmet area for God knows how many times,  letting myself being timelessly absorbed to the glory of the past. 

Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia, Basilica CIstern and Topkapi Palace have been my favorite historical spots. 

Moving further, I have walked acress Galata Bridge and took a ferry ride on Bosporus, all done in different seasons of the year. Besides enjoying summer sale in Taksim Square as well as Grand Bazaar and Spice Bazaar, I was lucky to reach Dolmabahce Palace and enjoyed the grandeur of Ataturk's palace. Mind-blowing intricate details and rich history never fail to amaze me.

Busy Istanbul. the city and Marmara sea..
This time, as we landed on the European side, the location of the new Istanbul airport, we got to see the city from the other side.
We took the bus from the airport, heading straight to the historical part of Istanbul, Sultanahmet Area.
We had a brief stop at Eminönu, right across the Spice Bazaar.
The glistening reflection of Marmara sea welcomed us merrily that morning, as ferries ad boats started their journey of the day.
A lovely summer morning indeed.

feels like stopping by and joining the walkers..
Speaking of the new Istanbul Airport, I have to say I am impressed!
It's huge!
It certainly looks modern and uses cutting-edge designs that pay attention to beautiful details here and there. I love to see the ceilings and how they are brilliantly reflected on the shiny floors. Not to mentions lines of world-brand shops and vintage collection Turkish items you can find in the airport. I guess I will definitely continue my adventures in the airport alone on the next visit. Oh, and the Turkish Airline lounge, as always, is a five-star one. I never miss my time to have a little break here enjoying my fresh orange juice, pide and lentil soup, while enjoying Andy Williams concert on the theatre. Heaven!

The new Istanbul airport..

Well, now..let me share more snaps taken with my iPhone while enjoying my transit in Istanbul. As colourful as ever, I wish you enjoy it even more than I do. 

You know, whenever I see all these wonderful craftmanships, I feel like taking them all home LOL. And I have to remind myself that I already got more than dozens of small bowls, sets of big ones and 2 table lamps. 

So, that's why I keep coming back to Istanbul.
Tell me which one is your favorite ... the food, the souvenirs, the architectures, or else!

Cheers and till the next adventure!


  1. Istanbul, salah satu negara dongeng menurutku hahahaa karena seindah itu kalau di ceritakan di dongeng anak2 sewaktu aku masih kecil, tapi setelah liat foto2nya mbak Indha aku penasaran sama architectures nya :)

  2. sepanjang aku baca tulisanmu mba, sambil scrol ke bawah aku shalawatan, kali aja ya bisa berkunjung ke sana dan napak tilas sejarah islam di sana.

  3. Asiknyaa jalannjalan ke istanbul. Colorfull ngeliat foto fotonya dan kerajinan tangannya duuh jadi pengen bungkus buat dipajang di rumah deh

  4. OMG Istanbul my dream city .. indahnya so beautiful and amazing place to visit, itu iphone berapa mbak bagus banget kualitas fotonya

  5. arsitektur di turki bner bener cantik memang, btw itu istanbul airportnya megah bgt ya . smg ada kesempatan buat liburan kesana haha

  6. Hahahaa kok kita sama ya Mba, rasanya pengen memiliki itu barang keramik semuanya.super cute, pasti bagus banget buat pajangan ya Allah.
    Aku belum pernah ke Istanbul sih. Semoga bisa ke sana suatu saat nanti. Amin

  7. Istanbul salah satu bucket listku nih, banyak banget yang ingin ku explore disana. Pengen city scape disana, lalu diakhiri dengan jajan seru juga nampaknya ya.

  8. Masi bermimpi kapan bisa ke Istanbul nih hehe selama ini cuma denger cerita dr keluarga yang udah kesana. Btw airportnya aja cakep ya kak

  9. Bahagia banget ya mbak bisa pergi ke Istanbul. Semoga saya dan keluarga bisa mengikuti jejaknya. enak bisa pergi keliling dunia hihi..

  10. Waktu papa sebelum pensiun, Teman kantor papa suka bawa oleh oleh. Sederhana sih tapi senang aja dapat oleh oleh apalagi bumbu masakan nasi kebuli

  11. Bagus-bagus banget arsitetur dan pernak pernik Istambul ya mba, dari airport aja udah bisa dilihat keindahannya. One day, mau banget ke sana ��

  12. Warna-warni dan seni dari arsitektur maupun pernak-pernik dari Istanbul ini memang benar-benar menggoda sekali ya mbak

  13. Such pretty pictures of Istanbul ,���� anw airport terbarunya ini yang paling besar di dunia bukan yaaa mbak?

  14. Cantik banget ya Istanbul.. Semoga suatu hari nanti aku juga bisa mampir kesana hihi.. Pengen travelling ke luar negeri terus kayak mami indah XD

  15. Orang Turki itu suka sekali dengan detil warna yang ramai yaa, kak..
    Dan bandaranya...sungguh memesona.
    Ceilingnya itu kebayang merawatnya...

  16. Aku suka banget sama arsitekturnya d Istanbul ini mba Indah. Lagi scroll scroll blog nya mba Indah, sambil auto solawatan aku tuh hehe

  17. I heart the ceramic pieces. They are full of color and pattern. Just wonderful!

    Now I'm singing the song "Istanbul" By They Might Be Giants.

  18. As always, the pictures are wonderful. The food really looks tasty and the ceramic pieces are gorgeous. TFS


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