Review Sephora Favorites Give Me Some Nude Lips

I'm back with the review of my favorite lipsticks.
This time is I have Sephora Favorites Give Me Some Nude Lips, particularly the Spring Collection.

Have I told you that I am a big fan of Sephora?
I guess I have, right?
And frankly, I have had sooo many collections of beauty product, particularly lipsticks

Before we go further, feel free to watch the full review of Sephora Favorites Give Me Some Nude Lips, particularly the Spring Collection, on my YouTube video.
And tell me what you think!

Sebenarnya produk yang ingin aku review di sini sudah lengkap aku sampaikan di video YouTube yang lumayan panjang, alias 24 minutes. But I hope it's fine because I do try and review each and every lip samplers we have in that package.

So, let's start our review!

Sephora Favorites Give Me Some Nude Lips is a special collection of lip samplers curated by Sephora. Obviously, this one consists of samplers with nude shades, from some of the most-favorite and most-wanted brands sold in or through Sephora.

The one that I have here is from Spring collection of 2018.

This collection has 5 lip samplers and 1 full-size lipstick.
To start with, here's the swatches.

Here's the swatches..

Let's start with the lip samplers, shall we?
Then later you can tell me your favorite!

Tarte - Tarteist quick dry matte lip paint in exposed

Tarte - tarteist in Exposed

This lip sampler of Tarte - Tarteist is pretty much the nude collection with matte finishing in this collection.
It  comes in a small tube, weighting 0.034 oz/ 1 mL.
As the name suggested, Tarte Tarteist quick dry matte lip paint really dries quick!
I love the matte finishing but the shade is too pale for me. 

Nars Lipstick - Orgams

Such a provocative name :). Nars in Orgasm 
This lip sampler is small, with the weight around 0.05 oz/ 1.7 g. Enough to check whether this shade is perfect for you. 
I love this kind of nude because it has reddish tint on it.
But still the finishing is not matte so 

Hourglass - Girl Lip Stylo in Futurist

This lip sampler is cute, reminding me of the chubby stick from other brand.
The color is super nude and it has more moisturizer on it.
It has glossy finishing and it does not really stay.
For me, it feels like a lip gloss.

Buxom Full-On Lip Polish in Sugar

Buxom Full-On Lip Polish in Sugar is sooo good because it has mint sensation on it
The weight is about 0.07 oz/ 2 mL, so it is small like other lip samplers.  
It also has metallic and glitter finishing, so perhaps it will be perfect for 

Smashbox Be Legendary Liquid Pigment in Mauve Wife

 Smashbox Be Legendary Liquid Pigment in Mauve Wife is my fave!
Although it comes in small package, only 0.17 oz/ 5 mL, but I love the shade.
Perhaps, it is safe to say that it is the BOLDEST of the nude collection we have here.
As mauve is pretty much darker, it looks good on me.

Urban Decay Vice Special Effect in Fever

This one is the full size lipstick in this collection.
Weighting about 0.16 oz/ 4.7 mL, Urban Decay Vice Special Effects in Fever, as the name suggested, gives an extra glittery effect to your lips.
I guess it will be perfect to put it on top of your lipstick so that it has shimmering and glittery effect.

The price of this collection is USD 28 before taxes (depending on where you buy it, but in NYC it becomes around USD 31 after the VAT) and I bought it in Sephora Herald Square New York City.

Repurchase? Maybe not.. And not because it's not good but because I rather buy the full size of my favorite ones.

So, how do you like it? 
Which one is your favorite collection?
Will you buy this one?


  1. Gilaa bagus baguss semua , dan semuaa warnanya kusuka . Yang urban decay yang paling menarik nih

    1. memang yang UD paling lucuuu mbaaa...aku suka efek glitternya!

  2. itumah lipstik bagus semua, worth it ya beli bundle gitu bisa nyoba berbagai brand hihi

  3. Urban decay love ya mbaaa,ku blm pernah hihi..
    lipen tuh selalu menarik utk dicoba ya klo ada promo2 gitu apalagi :))

  4. urban decay yang glossy menggoda banget nih, emang lagi hits ya akhir akhir ini yang glossy gini, lagi banyak brand yang ngeluarin produk lipstick glossy nih ketimbang ya matte

  5. I would go for the Tartiest pale shade since I am fair skinned. I always love the rich bolder colors on you though. They always blend so well with your lovely skin tones.

  6. bagus bangetttt! aku pecinta nude tapi gak yang pucet pucet bangettt. dan ini bagus semuaa

  7. Bagus banget deh semuanya >.< Aku suka banget sama lipstick nude. Tp yang paling ku suka itu yg tarte 😍

  8. Aku suka banget deh swatches yg tarte sama urban decay, cantik warnanya. Yg satu matte yg satunya lagi ada efek glitter cocik kayaknya beb kalo digabung ��

  9. that tarte lips caught my attention so much, so pretty wish i could have one of them

  10. Mak Insav, aku malah kebalikannya, jarang belanja di Sephora :)
    Duuh ini ratjun baru, bahaya bgt dah :D

  11. Waah keren2 ya produknya Sephora ini hehe aku belum pernah nih belanja di Sephora. Mikirin dompet juga soalnya wkwk

  12. Ini pilihan warnanya masuk aman dan warna yang natural deh, tapi iya sih kalau udh beli yg mini set gini, pasti lebih milih repurchase full size nya ya.

  13. yg hourglass aku sukaaa warnnya .. ga terlalu nude... nude banget di bibir biasanya bikin aku pucet.. akupun gampaaang banget tergoda ama lipstik mba ;p.. ntah udh brp banyk lipstik dibeli hnya krn suka warnanya.. malah ada bbrp yg msh segelan. sayang juga sih... takut expired aja

  14. Yasssss.... To die for lipstick... Omg.. Cantik2 warnanya ya mba apalagi yg smashbox sama urban decay

    1. Mbaa pleaseeee jangan racuni aku dengan lipen2 cantik ini... Aku mudah kena racunn apalagi yg cakep2 gini

  15. Oh yg hourglass dia bentuknya stick gitu, ga jadi suka ah walau warnanya memang menarik. Si smashbox itu terfavorit banget aku luat warnanya.

  16. Semua produk dari pilihan sephora ini memang keren banget ya Mbak, aku jadi pengen beli juga Mbak koleksi sephora give me some nude lips ini, apalagi box nya keren banget

  17. Aku naksir shade yang tarte & hourglass mba.. Yang tarte kayanya cakep dijadiin blush on sekalian yaa :)

  18. Baru ngeh kalau Nars in orgasm ini ada juga versi lipstiknya. Selama ini tahunya cuma yang blush on-nya aja kak dengan nama yang sama Orgasm juga.

  19. Surga nude shade banget ini postingan mba, nanti kalo mampir ke sephora pengen liat langsung ah

  20. Ini warna nya bagus bagus banget nude nya, ku kepo mau coba in juga, nanti ku check ah di sephora

  21. Ih kudet amat aku malah belom pernah denger brand ini. Pengen cobain sih tapi agak takut ga cocok. Warnanya cantik deh

  22. yang hourglass pengen cobain deh. warnanya bagus ditambah juga lebih ke satin finish, bikin bibir kelihatan lebih fresh.

  23. warna hourglass dan urban decay cantik banget yaa, bener2 nongol banget beb warnanya, jadi penasaran ihhh pengen juga :D

  24. Loved Sugar and Mauve Wife. I have never used Saphora before but perhaps I will give it a shot. So happy to be co-hosting with you on #OMHGWW

  25. I love nudes and this looks like a cool collection I'll have to check out next time I go to Sephora. Happy to be co-hosting the last week of January with you on #OMHGWW!

  26. yang tarte itu cakep banget ya, warna yg lainnya juga kayanya cakep bangett, tapi yg bikin mupeng aku yg tarte hihi

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Menurutku warna yg Tarte cantik banget, sepertinya ini warna paling perfect untuk jenis nude cocok untuk semua tone kulit hihi

  29. Sephore nude lips package?? ya ampuuun mau banget sama bundle package ini secara isinya cucok eym oke oke semuanya..aku kepo sama yang smash box

  30. ak blum pernah cobain lipstik apapun dr sephora πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ soalnya terlalu ke K-produk 🀣🀣 shadenya bbrp ada yg terlalu nude yah jd pasti kliatan pucet pas dipake. tp itu yg dr Tarte cakep bgt πŸ’•

  31. Aku paling suka yg Urban Decay fever. Warna nya cakep banget ya ampun.. gak tahan liat nya pengen dibawa pulang haha

  32. ku penasaran sama Tarte - Tarteist sama Nars Lipstick - Orgams, berapaan tuh mba harganya kalo di convert ke rupiah?

  33. yang hourglass cakep banget, pigmentasinya paling mencolok kalau dibandingin sama yang lain. jadi penasaran mau coba aku

  34. Auti fokus ke Nars & Tarte bagus banget ya..😍 Urban Decay juga ada efek shimmernya.. Aaak bagus semua deh.. Pingin coba juga hihi

  35. Tarte yang tarteist in Exposed kayaknya minta dimasukin wishlist buat bulan depan nih mba, warna2 lainnya juga cakep sih tapi terlebih si Tarte ini :)

  36. Oh babe, the Tarte one is pretty lovable and I'm sure it will look so sexy on our lips hihihi, thanks for sharing the swatches by the way, love them all :)

  37. Suka banget yang tarte😍
    Warna lipstick nude emang netral dan cocok buat daily ya..

  38. OMG mommy.. Langsung cinta liat Swatchnya apalagi yang dari urband decay. Ya Ampun gak tau kenapa selalu jatuh cinta sama produk-produknya Urban decay

  39. yang urban decay cantik banget ya warnanya, emang akhir akhir ini lagi hits lagi nih lipstick glitter kaya giniiii, pengen cobain tapi ga kuat harganya pasti :D

  40. Aku naksir warnanya yg smashbox euy.
    Warna mauve gini yang 'aman' dengan kulit aku.

  41. Ehbyg hourglass kek pake lipgloss ya kirain awalnya kek matte gitu dan nars aku pikir pas liat swatchnya gitu liquid lipstick ternyata juga bukan. Salah tebak semua neh.

  42. Urban Decay Vice itu menarique banget deh mam.. dari tube nya sih warnanya cucmey.. tapi mehong yaa huhu..

  43. Produknya bagus-bagus semua ya ada urban decay, smashbox, memang ya kalau belanja di sephora itu surga banget untuk belanja produk kosmetik tinggal nyiapin aja dompet beserta isinya

  44. Woow kebayang dengan meja riasnya mba indah, koleksi lisptik ya pasti banyak ya. Kayanya kali ini koleksinta glossy ya banyakan.


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