Top Foods to Incorporate Into Your Diet for Breast Cancer Prevention

blueberries are packed with antioxidants
Studies have shown that one out of eight women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. Even though medical science has revealed a lot about certain cancers such as breast cancer, there’s still a large amount of uncertainty surrounding prevention and treatment. However, it has been shown that incorporating certain foods into your diet can aid in preventative efforts. Here are just a few foods to include in your diet to help reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Apples have countless health benefits, so it shouldn’t be all too surprising that they’re helpful in aiding breast cancer prevention. What is surprising, however, is that you have to eat the right part of the apple to reap these benefits. The peel of the apple, as it turns out, has the most nutrients when it comes to cancer prevention, so always keep the apple in its natural skin before enjoying it.

“If you normally peel your apple and toss away the colorful wrapping, you’re also tossing away a rich source of antioxidants, fiber, and other compounds needed for anti-cancer nutrition. Lab studies suggest that apple peel can actually fight the spread of cancer cells. The good news is that you don’t need exotic varieties -- this research used readily available Red Delicious apples, so add them to your breast cancer prevention shopping list,” writes Madeline R. Vann on Everyday Health.

Nuts have a wide range of health benefits, but walnuts, in particular, are known for their healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These one-of-a-kind nutrients help the body fight inflammation. Plus, experts say walnuts can help to literally slow down the growth of breast cancer tumors in mice. With this in mind, it certainly makes sense to keep a bag of walnuts in your pantry to enjoy as a snack or top with certain meals.

As another great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fish deserves a place on this list. Certain types of fish are also sources of lean protein and thus a wholesome part of an overall cancer prevention diet. This is especially true because many dietitians advise against the consumption of red meats and processed meats, which includes bacon and packaged deli meats. Instead, pick out some fresh sardines, tuna, salmon, or mackerel, which are omega-3 rich and ideal for cancer prevention.


Berries have long been considered a ‘superfood,’ and for good reason. Dark-colored berries like blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that may help to reduce the growth of tumors and breast cancer cells. With that in mind, grab a frozen bag of mixed berries during your next trip to the supermarket, or pick up some fresh ones to top a bowl of oatmeal or cold cereal.

Ultimately, it’s not difficult to incorporate these hearty foods into your diet as part of a cancer prevention lifestyle. Of course, it’s always best to consult your doctor for the most accurate and personalized preventative care insight.

I sincerely hope we all can benefit from all this goodness!
Stay healthy, people


  1. Walnut! Ternyata itu manfaatnya ya. Selama ini aku wondering, walnut rasanya pahit, ga enak buat cemilan macam postachio atau mede atau almond, tapi kenapa bisa mahal? Kalau mahal dan ga enak, buat apa beli walnut? Dan inilah dia ya kegunaannya. Terjawab sudah. Thank's Mbak. πŸ˜‡

    1. Banyak diambil minyaknya plus dicacah utk taburan kue or cemilan lainya

  2. Itu kesukaan aku semua mbam. Cuma kalau makan walnut aku campur pakai kismis

  3. Walnuts bedanya sama Hazelnuts itu gimana ya Mama Bo?
    Aku catet supaya ga lupa nih list-nya

    1. Beda jenis dan juga rasanya Amma.. hazelnut wanginya lebih soft juga

  4. I love fish too, especially the sniper one taste so delicious when you grilled it and mixed it with special sauce <3 nice post mbak

  5. Semuanya bukan makanan kesukaan aku sih, tapi kalo manfaatnya sebagus ini mulai nyoba suka deh

  6. Semua buah2an bagus banget ya manfaatnya. Plus ikan yup ini makanan yang sehat banget sih, bisa bikin pinter juga kanπŸ˜‚

  7. aku suka ikan dan berries, beruntung banget bukan masuk orang yang pilih pilih soal makanan hehe

  8. Belum pernah coba buah beries, tapi semua makanannya itu memang menyehatkan ya, apalagi kalau dikonsumsi rutin bisa menangkal kanker ya

  9. Wow ngemilnya harus diganti dengan apel dan strawberry nih biar bebas dari kanker yaa...

  10. Banyak bgt yaa buah buat diet, harus dicoba satu2 supaya hidup Eny makin sehat ����


  11. An apple a day, keeps the doctors away! Thank you for the info mbak :) But berries in Indonesia is a bit expensive, sadly.

  12. Aku sih lebih banyak makan apel ya Mbak kalau untuk menjaga berat badan, belum pernah nyobain untuk makan beries untuk jaga bb hehehe

  13. Wah, apel sama berri-berrian bagus ya ternyata buat breast cancer. Aku kayaknya harus menambahkan mereka dan buah-buahannya ini enak juga.

  14. Seneng banget semua list yg disini aku suka makan beb, sekarang udah tau manfaatnya makin sering makan itu deh hehe

  15. Mba Indah, thanks a lot for sharing this. Useful for me because I am a woman.. By the way, I don't really like fish hmmm I think I have to try eat fishes next time :')

  16. untungnya semua itu kesukaan aku:") jadi enggak berat-berat banget makannya malah enak wkwk

  17. I worry about breast cancer as it is what my grandma passed from, but I think colon cancer will be it for me. I eat a ton of berries daily. Blueberries and blackberries in my oatmeal every morning.

  18. Sebelumnya aku nggak pernah ngejaga pola makan ataupun untuk diet ataupun yang lainnya, ternyata semua itu berpengaruh juga ke kesehatan dan kecantikan.. thanks for sharing yah kak jadi tau beberapa buah dan manfaatnya juga


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