Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Hello, October..thank you, September!

Cheers from Jakarta :)

We have been enjoying Jakarta so far.
I haven't really taken my kids to our favorite places like the Old Town and the Museums but we have been enjoying more quality time as we unpack and open all those boxes from NYC.
As you know we have around 200 boxes and packages, including the big ones like furnitures and electronics, being sent to Jakarta. 
We have to wait around 7 weeks to get those things sailed from NYC.

It feels so nostalgic as my kids so excitedly got their book collections or favorite plush toys and pillows they love from the Big Apple.
Not to mention their game console  and all those games :).
We do miss NYC but at the same time we start feeling comfy here in Jakarta.
Hopefully our life in Jakarta will be as enjoyable as NYC and Geneve.
I'm pretty sure my kids will love it as much!
So far, we have been enjoying the top-notch Indonesian culinaries.

Crispy fried chicken and fried soybean cake plus tofu

Now, it's time to welcome you all to Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday!
Don't hesitate to put your link and enjoy your blog walking! 

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Susan // Susan B. Mead I love what Wycliffe Bible Translators | Tw | Bl | Fb | In |Pin » Repin From Original

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Welcoming Plum and Kiki, Our New Boys - Pets for kids

DIY Home Pedicure Long lasting polish
DIY Home Pedicure With Long lasting polish Tips

Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Save Money Give Yourself a Salon Quality Pedicure at Home New Linkup on "Live Laugh Love To Shop " Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In » Repin From Original
Follow The Yellow Brick Home 40 Beautiful Ways To Decorate With Wheat

Follow The Yellow Brick Home // 40 Beautiful Ways To Decorate With Wheat Amber is sharing inspiration from her home and in a home tour from great pins from Pinterest
All Thats Jas Vertical Layer Pumpkin Orange Chocolate Cake 

All Thats Jas // Vertical Layer Pumpkin Orange Chocolate Cake The vertical layers of a sponge cake, orange pumpkin, and chocolate 
 The Handymans Daughter Pallet-Pumpkin-Trio

The Handyman's Daughter // Pallet-Pumpkin-Trio This adorable pallet pumpkin trio is perfect for decorating your porch this fall and save money from pumpkins that go bad.

 Delightfule Made Pumpkin Bread recipe is even BETTER than Starbucks Pumpkin Loaf!

Delightfule Made // Pumpkin Bread recipe is even BETTER than Starbucks Pumpkin Loaf! Starbucks Pumpkin Loaf tastes amazing, is easy to make and the perfect treat to enjoy with your Pumpkin Spice Latte! 
 Sparkle Living Fall Wood Lettering Decor Lettering

Feature Chosen made by Indah// My Purple World Sparkle Living // Fall Wood Lettering Decor Lettering The wood die cuts found at Targets Dollar Spot. She includes a list of fall phrases for your lettering The Belly Rules Cinnamon Crunch Coffee Cake

Feature Chosen made by Indah// My Purple World Meet Marsha~First Time Featured on #OMHGWW This week The Belly Rules // Cinnamon Crunch Coffee Cake This coffee cake is super cinnamony and full of pecans, super easy with a crumb top The Painted Apron Painted Pattern Pumpkins For Fall

The Painted Apron // Painted Pattern Pumpkins For Fall Painted patterns of beachy wave and candy corn makes for great display.

  Oh My Heartsie Girls Special Fashion FeatureJodies Touch of Style Casual Outfits With Lady Joggers

Jodie's Touch of Style // Casual Outfits With Lady Joggers These ladies have so much fun with fashion. This week wearing joggers has become the "leisure trend" that is still going strong.
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But Now......Lets Party....


  1. Replies
    1. indeed..it's located in one of the main streets in Jakarta

  2. Is there fried chicken in NYC like that too, Mbak Indah? There are tofu and soybean cake, plus Indonesian chili sauce? Hehehe.

    1. yes we do have them! NYC is complete when it comes to Indonesian food

  3. Saya ke Jakarta berkali2 tapi belum juga ke Kota Tua Mbaa.. panas sih katanya wkwk

  4. Banyak banget barang barang nya ya mba sampai ratusan boxes. Dan lama juga pengiriman barang barang nya OMG 7weeks ga kebayang ukuran box nya semana itu ya kalau moving beda benua

    1. hehehe kita udah biasa kok..waktu dari Geneve, Swiss kita malah bawa lebih banyak lagiii

  5. Aku terakhir ke musium, udah beberapa bulan lalu. Oktober ini belum keluar ke mana-mana

  6. Impressive statue. It must be weird knowing your stuff is sailing over the oceans... Weren't you scared?
    Thank you for hosting.

    1. Indeed Klara. Well, as for sending our good, we're okay as there's an insurance for that

  7. wauw. saya salfok sama makanannya mbak

  8. Crispy fried chicken make me starving wkwkwkwk

  9. Crispy fried chicken and fried soybean cake plus tofu-nya menggugah selera, jadi pengen makan juga :)

  10. Apa kabar rumah Mbak Indah? tentu sudah rapi dan barang barang sudah keluar dari container dong? makanya asyik banget ya santap kulineran

  11. Udah ke kota lama dan museum ya mbak. Aku belum pernah, kalo ke Jakarta seringnya jarang mampir

  12. Jakarta memang banyak museum nya, cocok buat edukasi anak-anak

  13. Siap-siap mengukir kenangan lagi di Indonesia.

    Wow, lumayan juga tuh, ada 200 kotak.
    Kudu siapin fisik ya, mba.

  14. Awal baca aku mikirnya 7hari. Eh tapi ternyata 7minggu berlayar barangnya. Wow itu buanyak banget juga. Gak kebayang dimana mna indah packingnya terus bongkarnya lagi. Aku dong cuma pindahan bawa 7kardus sudah sebulan masih sisa 2. Wkwkw

  15. Wah jadi sekarang tinggal di jkt?

  16. 200 box? Waah banyak sekali. Tapi memang barang kenangan dari negeri lain itu tidak ada duanya. Tidak bisa didapat lagi jadi harus dibawa ��

  17. Sangar mba Indah, duh 200 box.
    Aku terakhir ke Museum bulan lalu di Colomadu, mba Indah pasti seneng main ke sana.Kalo Kota Tua aku belum pernah, jauh di Jakarta. Tapis semoga ada rejeki ke sana kapan2 aamiin.

  18. Woow 200 box, ga bayangin unboxing dan atur2nya butuh berapa lama, hahaha :))

  19. I just imagine how my buyer unload their goods from container hahahaa... that's how you treat your boxes also mam, isn't it? ;) How tough your family

  20. Masya Allah...200 box banyaknya.Segitu pasti nilainya lebih, lebih dan gak terbeli ya, Mbak. 😍

  21. Alhamdulillah kalau anak-anak sudah merasa senang dan betah di Jakarta, dan suka dengan makanannya ya mba Indah

  22. Mba Indah dan kelg sdh kembali ke Jakarta ya? Senangnya ...

  23. Alhamdulillaaah kalau merasa cocok dan senang. Wah tergoda icip juga ayamnya. Nyaaamm. Bulan Desember ke Kota Tua, mudah2an sesuai harapan.

  24. sekarang rumahnya udah agak legaan kan mama Bo hahahaha. kalau masih ada barang mau dilelang hayuk bagi di Grup

  25. Sedaapnyaaaa
    Ayamnya bikin ngileeerr

  26. Ucapannya jadi welcome home ya Mom... Mesti gemes kali ya liat krucils yang udah nggak sabar buka box mainan dan bukunya...

  27. Welcome back home, mbak Indah and family. Happy unpacking all the boxes. Hehehe. After Bali, Old Town and museums are on the next list to visit.

  28. Wah 200 box mbaak..hihi kebayang itu banyaknya kayak apa :)

  29. Apa kabar barang-barangnya yang 200 box, sudah rapikah? Pastinya dong, apalagi sudah jalan-jalan di Kota Tua Jakarta. Eh tuh kue-kuenya kayaknya enak banget de..

  30. Kebayang proses pindahannya pasti repot banget hehe.
    Btw Mbak Insav gmn sh cara pindahan dari/ ke luar negeri?
    Barang2 itu diangkut pakai jasa pindahan atau bagaimanakah? Apakah include perabot? #malahbahaspindahannya hehe

  31. Duh, makan enak itu. Tapi kalo aku, sambelnya masih kurang. Aku bisa 3-4 kali prosi itu. Hehehehe...

  32. aku bakal kangen postingan Mbak Indah tentang Museum nih

  33. Woow...
    200 boxes plus packages...

    and mba Indah don't feel tired?
    can i get the secret?

  34. Wah seru emang Mbk ya jalan-jalan ke Kota Tua di Jakarta. Menantikan cerita Mbk Indah selanjutnya

  35. Welcome to Jakarta ya mbak...hihihi gak kebayang tuh 200 boks packingnya.

  36. Saya ngebayangin itu buka 200 box dan paket. Anggap aja kado ulang tahun ya, Mbak. Meskiupun udahannya harus beberes hihihi

  37. Welcome back. Semoga Makin betah di Jakarta

  38. what an amazing monument in that first photo, wish I had it in my backyard!

  39. I'd like to try the soybean cake. It looks yummy!

  40. Nothing like home sweet home. I hope you enjoy being back in the States though this fall. We love having you here, but I know your heart will always belong to Indonesia ♥


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