The Joy of Doing Nothing in Bali

The Joy of Doing Nothing in Bali

Bali Rani Hotel, Kuta, Bali

I have been living in a fast lane lately, having stressful days filled with endless meetings, works and more. Coming back from New York City, Jakarta has even busier agenda for me.

So when I managed to have a little break in the Last Paradise on Earth (yes, that's what I read when I arrived in I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport :)), I know I have to benefit from it.
Shopping? Exploring this gorgeous land of Gods and Goddesses? Having culinary trip?
Or simply doing nothing and enjoying the moment?

I chose the last one.

Frankly, I have been planning to do this and that after the series of meeting we had since the beginning of the week started.
You're in Bali, right. So better visit those beautiful spots and try some local cuisines as well as shop their stunning traditional art crafts.
But at the end of the day, I just realised that I was exhausted.
I am tired.
And I missed my family terribly.
I lost my appetite for an adventurous day.

Let's chill..

So, there I was...just sitting by the pool, admiring the clear blue sky and peaceful sound of flowing water.
I really need this, just to recharge my heart and soul.
To be forever grateful for all My Rabb's bless.

And the blue sky is my refuge.

Thank you so much, Bali.
And stay fabulous!

Thank you!

Join us on Skywatch Friday and have fun enjoying majestic skies from different corners of the world


  1. Mama bo sukses bikin mupeng piknik niih.. postingannya tentang bali teruuus :))))

  2. Sepanjang mata memandang biru semuaaa, seger banget, Mbak. Semoga setelah stay beberapa saat bisa benar2 merecharge hati dan pikiran sekaligus tubuh agar lebih siap menghadapi hari2 ke depan ya, Mbak.

  3. Oooo! I love Bali - you feel a deep sense of peace from every corner.

    My friends recently went to Pulo Cinta and I fell in love with the photos they shared on Instagram. I am going to add that to my bucket list!

  4. Bali lagi.. Kapan mandangin langit bali juga nih. Tapi mba emang perlu waktu santai diantara banyak aktivitas publik kita sih untuk menjaga kebahagian.

  5. Waaaah ternyata Mama Bo ini lagi di Bali toh. Duh, baru aja pergi Bali, jadi pengin liburan ke sana lagi. Bali emang selalu bikin kangen :D

  6. Aha!

    This is one of my favorite Italian sayings is “Dolce far Niente“, which means “the sweetness of doing nothing.”

    It does not mean being lazy, it is referring to the pleasure one gets from being idle.

    The ability to completely enjoy and savor a moment!

  7. Huwaaaa...mupeng liburan, apalagi langit biru dengan kolam renangnya memanggil-manggil untuk foto selfie di sana, hahahaa

  8. Bali tuh yaaa...mau gak ngapa ngapain tetep kece view-nya dimana mana. Aduh kangen berjemur di tepi kolam renang euyyy

  9. Kalau hotelnya memiliki fasilitas yang bagus, saya juga suka mager, Mbak. Gak apa-apa deh gak jalan-jalan atau shopping juga. Berenang atau keliling area hotel juga udah bikin betah :)

  10. Pengen juga deh sesekali rasain liburan di Bali with doin' nothing.. Coz selama ini kalo ke Bali rasanya jadi capek sendiri karena banyak agenda mau shopping, ngafe, etc..etc..

  11. Namanya emak2 ya mbak walaupun lagi livuran tetep kangem keluarga

  12. Bali memang relaxing banget suasananya.... Entah kenapa, waktu terasa berjalan lebih ramah dan ga buru-buru ya.... sepertinya nggak ngapa-ngapain aja uda bikin stres kabur....

  13. Lihat kolam renangnya pengin banget nyebur mbak, udah lama nggak berenang di hotel.

  14. Baliiii ����
    Selalu suka baca tulisan teman-teman tentang Bali. Semoga suatu saat saya juga bisa menikmati keindahan pulau Dewata ini ����

  15. Wow, this is what we call as leyeh2 hahahha.. Cute doll!

  16. Panas2 gini liat foto2nya Mama Bo jadi pengen nyebur akutu hehe Bali memang pas banget buat leyeh leyeh

  17. Kadang ya mba Indah, kita perlu tidak melakukan apa pun hanya menikmati suasana, itu kadang lebih bermakna

  18. Lihat langit dg suasana tenang bisa bikin hati adem ya, Mbak. Bisa banget buat istirahatin mata dan pikiran

  19. Love with those photos, mba Indah...
    So much enjoying the view.
    And dominated by the blue's one.

  20. Bali selalu menjadi tempat pelapas segala gundah, dan tempat menjaring banyak keindahan. Duh, jadi pengen mudik ke Bali. Terakhir tahun 2016, semoga ada rezeki mudik buat nengok nenek dan kakek.

  21. If I were you, I probably would do nothing as well, just enjoy, chill, and relax.

    Enjoy your holiday mba Indah.

  22. foto foto mbak Indah clear, jd dapat banget clear sky and pool. Btw, mau seindah apapun pemandangan, tetep yaaa kangen sama orang tercinta

  23. The power of Bali. Destinasi wisata yang selalu ingin di kunjungi kembali. Bikin rindu euy

  24. Bali lagiiiiii...
    Foto-fotonya selalu kecee mba, aku noted ini semoga rencana liburan ke bali bisa dieksekusi di bulan depan,,, makasih mba..

  25. Ibuk2 suka gtu ya mbaaakkk... pergi kemanapun inget family khususnya anak2. Sambil berandai2 andai mereka ikut.
    Yeah, kdng kalau dah kelelahan banget, cuma duduk dan melihat sekeliling sambil mensyukuri yg ada bisa bikin recharge energi :D

  26. iya ya mb.. kadang gak ngapa-ngapain cuma nikmatin suasana itu penting.. aku belum pernah ih ke Bali, xixixi. semoga someday bisa kesana..

  27. Yes, sometimes doing nothing is the best thing we can do to chil the day ;)

  28. Ke Bali memang tempat yang menyenangkan dan penuh kenangan Mbak Jadi pengen kembali lagi

  29. If could do what you were doing in Bali, I'd be blessed!

  30. How fun! I love the crystal blue water! I heard Bali is so beautiful!

  31. Bali keeps popping up on my Pinterest. It's like a sign that I need to go there on our next travels. It seems like a very lovely place to explore.


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