WW: Launching of Lampung Krakatau Festival 2018

I was joining the launching of Lampung Krakatau Festival 2018 last week, held in Soesilo Soedarman Hall, Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia. 

It feels great to be back home and directly involved in the preparation of one of the most colourful Festivals in Indonesia. 

I was impressed by the beauty of Lampung being displayed in various videos, photos, and live entertainment.
It all brings back such great memories I have when I was a kid and being raised in Lampung.

The Festival was officially launched but the Minister for Tourism of Indonesia as well as the Governor of Lampung.

And the food!
How nostalgic and yummy at the same time.

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the linky party :)


  1. Sounds like a fun festival!
    Makanan terlihat sangat lezat!! Yummmm!

  2. Keseruannya itu lho, susah dilupakan ya Mba Indah
    Keren bisa ke sana, kulinernya juga enak-enak ya Mba. Hehehhe pengen

  3. What a great festival! So glad you were able to go!

  4. That looks like a great festival yummytastic too heheh!

    Have a festivetastic week :-)

  5. fokus ke minuman kweni-nya, duh seger banget kayaknya itu asem manis

  6. Aku blum pernah nih event kesana jadi list deh nanti mau klo ada event lg pergi terus nikmatin kulinernya

  7. Festival ini tuh penyelenggaraannya tiap tahun kan ya? Aku dan suami sama-sama orang Lampung (eh aku cuma setengah Lampung sih hehe...) tapi belum pernah ke Festival Krakatau. Tahun ini pun sepertinya nggak bisa. Mudah-mudahan tahun depan bisa, pingin banget soalnya.

  8. makanan yang disajikan pun khas Lampung. Gimana sih rasanya mangga kweni?


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