Welcome to Grenada, the Spice of the Caribbean!

Welcome to Grenada, the Spice of the Caribbean!

I am officially exploring the Caribbean and Grenada is my 6th Caribbean countries.
I am super lucky indeed!
In the course of one year, I was somehow assigned to attend meetings and special missions in the Caribbean.
This time, I have Grenada, the Spice of the Caribbean, to explore.
Well, exploring this beautiful place in between meetings :).

And I have to say, I'm in love!
Grenada is truly wonderful.
It has stolen my heart since day one.

Picture this!
Miles of unspoiled white powdery beach and turquoise water, friendly smiles and exquisites cuisine to cater your hunger and the love of food. 
And those are only the beginning.

Turquoise water! Heaven..
When I first landed here after a 5-hour non-stop flight, I know it's going to be another unforgettable trip. I came here for work so I have to say I was not ready with all the information about this beautiful country. Instead, I brought all those drafts and documents in my bags. But I have to admit, I tossed everything in my suitcase, including my diving suite and gears.

We were welcome by a special Protocol team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Grenada. Getting some help with the immigrations and luggages really sped up the process.
We went directly to our hotel from Maurice Bishop International Airport, which is only a short 15 minutes trip. Fast and zero traffic!

Getting to the Island vibes :)
As we touched down at our hotel as well as the venue of the meeting, Radisson Grenada Beach Resort, I felt like waking on the beach instantly!
From the balcony of my beach front room, I could see the famous Grand Anse beach and hear the waves and breezes calling.
Now this is what I call heaven!

view from my room :)
Nevertheless, we arrived at around 3 PM and I was starving.
Together with my Ambassador, we had lunch at the hotel and finished our plates in the restaurant right beside the beach.
I truly enjoyed my plate of vegetable curry roti and callalou soup.
Done with our meals, I unpacked for a while and hit the beach right before sunset.
And Grand Anse beach really lift up its reputation as one of the most famous beaches in the Caribbean!

My best friend for exploring the beach
Before I share more stories of this blissful place, please enjoy some photos I took in my first couple of days in Saint George's, Grenada.

Grand Anse Beach Grenada
The bougainville

Lovely hibiscus..

want some?

My morning walk..

Let's call it a day

Such a lovely place to be!
Will be back with more wonderful stories from the Spice of the Caribbean indeed.


  1. When I saw the first photo, I amazed that it's same sea color with Natuna. The North of Riau Islands (Kepri)

  2. Aaaah ada si mini me Mama Bo jalan-jalan terus hehehe. Pantainya cantiiiik.
    Btw ini semua fotonya jepret pake iphone Mama Bo?

  3. Itu hibiscus kembang sepatu kan ya? Baru tau aku nih b.inggrisnya 😂

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wah.... Seru ya kak... Suka ma foto2 na jadi mupeng deh

  6. Fotonya bagus-bagus.. sukaa! ��

  7. Cantik amat ini tempatnya mbak, fotonya pun cakep mbak.

  8. Pemandangannya keren. Aku salfok ama bonekanya. Menggemaskan :)

    1. hehehe itu Mini Me yang aka basa ke mana-mana kalau traveling :)

  9. Grenada looks like heaven on earth! Thank you for sharing these snaps so we could get a little glimpse into it!

    1. Happy to share it, Theresa. It’s a lovely place indeed

  10. The view from your room is incredible

    1. Turquoise water! Heaven..... Waa, can't agree more!!!

    2. It’s a lovely place to visit indeed!

  11. Awalnya, kupikir seperti film Pirates. Ternyata cantiiik.

    1. Yang lokasi syuting film pirates of the Caribbean seri pertama di St. Vincent and the Grenadines mba.. aku pernah mampir ke situ ;)

  12. Selalu jatuh cinta dengan pemandangan indah seperti poto diatas , view pantai nya juaraa mbakk.. cakepp bangett

  13. Aaak... Pengen nyebur di pantainyaa.. Cakep banget viewnya ih...

  14. Bagus2 pemandangannya... Indonesia memang teramat cantiiik!

  15. The scenery is super beautiful mba.
    Ga nyangka motretnya pakai iphone,jadi makin yakin buat beli :D

  16. Atulaah Maak, aku jadi mupeng sama pemandanganny, kapan bisa Traveling ke san, aku maulah jadi boneka itu biar bisa dibawa kmana mana hahhahaaa

  17. pantai selalu ngangenin dan bunga2nya indah2

  18. Malah kepo sama sandalnya.. Kok lucu sih? Kirimin dong. Hihihi

  19. Kuhilang fokus ke sendal dan boneka mini me nya. Mauu nyari >.<

  20. Manteb maaakk, hotelnya madep laut.
    Agu galfok ma bonekanya itu dulu bikin sendiri, dikasi atau gmn? #kepoh haha

  21. wah, pemandangannya keren banget mbak.

  22. Hwaaa..warna lautnya cakep bener. Belum lagi hamparan pasir yang terjaga kebersihannya. Aihh..mantap banget deh ini pemandangannya.

  23. Sekilas Grand Anse beachnya mirip di Kuta tapi versi lebih bersih dan moderen. Pasirnya juga lebih putih. Cocok banget buat jalan-jalan sama kesayangan, hehe

  24. Waaah enaknya makan siang di tepi pantai. Oh I need vitamin sea!

  25. Maaf bahasanya benar-benar gak ngerti, tapi saya menikmati gambarnya saja yg emang bagus banget


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