Catamaran Cruise in Grenada

Again I was super lucky to have the opportunity to experience Pure Grenada.
As the Spice of the Caribbean, Grenada has a lot to offer.
For those who wants to know more about Grenada, check out Welcome to Grenada, the Spice of the Caribbean I posted before.

Therefore, after such an intense series of meetings we had with voting hanging on the air (good thing we managed to reach consensus!), we were super ecstatic when the Catamaran Cruise in Grenada was prepared for all of us.
Not only the sailing with music, food and drinks, but also the snorkeling.

This time, let me share a glimpse of the Catamaran sail that my friends and I took in Grenada, as the courtesy of the Government of Grenada for all the participants of the Seminar.

And right at 3 PM, when the sun was scorchingly hot, we sailed around the 
We took the 'High Time', the fun boat which took us to the Bay where we had time chatting, enjoying the breeze and snorkeling at the Sculpture Garden.

Happy me, after snorkeling..
 Along the way, we see the beauty of St. George's, the Capital city of Grenada.
Dotted with colorful houses and buildings, including forts and churches, St. George's looks beautiful indeed.

On our way back to the Port, we enjoyed beautiful sunset from the boat.
It was magical.
A perfect way to end our day and our hard works.
I held my tears as I whispered my thanks to the Almighty.
For every blessings He has bestowed upon me and my family all these years.

catamaran grenada

Sunset on our way back

So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?
Ar-Rahman 55:13

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the beauty of the skies from all over the world 


  1. Wonderful trip and you make me envy ��

    1. I didn’t mean too LOL.. but it was beautiful indeed

  2. Ikot maak, pengen lihat sunset di situuh..

  3. Foto nya cantik cantik mba, seperti di miami or yunani yahh.. tapi hebat mba bisa snorkeling, aku berenang aja masih takut takut hehehe

    1. Makasiiih... aku hobi bangeeet snorkeling dan diving

  4. Woh berlayar dan liat pemandangan kota dari kejauhan, udah gtu lautnya meski deket pelabuhan kok ya cantik dan bersih yaaaa :D

    1. Iyaaa mba.. itu yang buat kita salut ya karena bisa tetap terjaga kebersihannya

  5. Waw, bagus sekali mbak pemandangannya. Semoga someday aku juga bisa berkunjunh kesana ke belahan bumi lainnya untuk merasakan keindahan ciptaan Yang Maha Kuasa.

  6. Cantik banget. And I'm so envy.... :D
    Pasti seru banget berlayar. (efek baru nonton video berlayar juga, jadi mupeng deh)

  7. semacam sunset cruise gitu ya mbak :D adem deh lihat view yang bangunan rumah-rumah.

  8. Aku suka pemandangan kapal di pesisir seperti ini. Kapal di Indonesia kenapa beda ya. Mungkin kudu ke Marina Ancol buat lihat kapal cantik seperti ini.

  9. What an adventure. You do the COOLEST stuff!

  10. Bagus banget ya pemandangannya..... semacam LOB di Indo ya.

  11. Di Lombok ada resort, namanya Katamaran. Bukan Catamaran. Baca postingan ini malah langsung keingat resort itu :D

  12. Ngebayangin kalau tinggal di situ. Kayaknya gak bakal bosan lihat viewnya, ya :)

  13. Happy to join you on the cruise!

  14. Jadi pengen berlayar juga.. E, tapi aku naik kapal fery aja mabok. Hihi

  15. I can't imagine a more picturesque location to go for a sail.

  16. All the colorful boats are enough to make me want to go. How fun!

  17. Ya Allah, indah banget pemandangannya. kapan bisa ke sana yaa ...


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