New Caledonia in Blue

As I continue traveling to the Pacific, arriving at New Caledonia and staying there for 6 days, I truly enjoy the serenity of this territory.

Noumea from above

The clear blue sky provides solitude for me.
Especially amidst this crazy week where meetings seem to be endless and discussion can be tense.

Just looking up, or looking down, those clear blue skies are there to admire.

From a simple morning jog, to an early morning flight, quick shopping at the local market and lunch break, I was blessed to witness this territory at its best.

New Caledonia in blue. 

the marina next to the local market

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy those magnificent sky from every corner of the world.


  1. Looks like you had a fine trip...such nice, clear blue skies!

  2. Lots of pretty blue, but fun added colors. I love these shots!

  3. Clear blue sky! So beautiful it feels good to get lost in here

  4. All of that wondrous blue! It looks like pure paradise there ♥

  5. cuma mau bilang, Mbak Indah beruntung banget bisa lihat banyak tempat keren ^_^

  6. Kalau lagi disibukan urusan pekerjaan, senang dan damaai ya rasanya melihat pemandangan biru langit dan laut

  7. Biru semua warna kesukaan aku. Baca Pacific kok inehtebya Pacific Rim :)

  8. Seneng banget kalo liat pemandangan serba biru seperti ini, laut biru, langit biru, beneran bikin hati adem :)

  9. all blue and so beautiful. One huge ocean surrounding the islands

  10. Nouvelle Calédonie! I've just known that it is in Pacific. I though it was an island in France :)
    Sure, it is really beautiful just as shown here.

  11. Stunning island! It is on the other side of the world..

  12. Income utamanya dari apa ya mbak? Pariwisata?


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