Saint Lucia from Above

Okay, you caught me red handed.
I just can't move on from my last trip to Caribbean (while enjoying the snow and freezing wind here in NYC)  and I have only shared some memories from St. Lucia here! 
Hanging there and bear with me as I still have stories and tons of photos 
from Antigua and Barbuda.
But this time, for Skywatch Friday, let me show you how beautiful St. Lucia is, 
even from above.

St. Lucia
From above..
Saint Lucia from above
crystal clear..

Join us on Skywatch Friday and embrace those fluffy, magnificent sky from many corners of the world.


  1. incredible blue sky! Love to swim down there..

  2. All of that beautiful blue! What stunning views from above!

  3. Saint Lucia is so pretty!

    I always think of the St. Lucia from Sweden - the girl with the candles on her wreath on her head. Do you know what I'm talking about? My Great Grandma came from Sweden, so she talked about her.


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