Clear Blue Sky at Lovely Town of Hartford, Connecticut

How about clear blue sky at lovely town of Hartford, Connecticut?

Another wandering around with my family this Fall.
We briefly visited Hartford, Connecticut and had a nice walk near the Bushnell Park.
I took it as our pre-Thanksgiving trip.
You know how busy and crazy Thanksgiving break is, with many people are traveling at the same time or shopping at the same time at those shopping malls and factory outlets :).
So we learnt our lessons and decided to explore more cities in the surrounding before those hectic week.
And there we were... driving approximately 3 hours from NYC and arrived at this wonderful city of Hartford.

Fall is still here and it is beautiful although cold :).
As we arrived in the afternoon, we didn't really have much time before the sun set.
So we strolled around the Bushnell Park. 

The Memorial Park at the Trinity Street near the Bushnell Park is beautiful.
The gate is standing tall elegantly, erected in honoring those who have fallen for the country.

Really love this gate!

Its famous carousel is also lovely.
Although my kids didn't manage to try it as they were sleeping after spending the whole morning at the Amazing World of Dr. Seuss in Springfield, Massachusetts.

I have always been a great fan of carousel.
So I was really enjoying the ride here :)

Will get back for more stories on our trip for sure :)

Join us on Skywatch Friday and have fun with the linky party :)


  1. Duuh lihat fotonya kok jadi pengin ambil sepatu kets trus jogging disitu ya. So calm.

  2. Beautiful sky! It's really comforting to see it..

  3. Love the mixture of old and new and the rich blue sky

  4. Indah sekali ya, Mbak Indah, duduk-duduk di bawah pohon situ sambil buka laptop ngeblog dan menyeruput kopi boleh kan, Mbak Indah?

  5. I love the gate too!

    The carousel horses are nice and colorful.

  6. That is a beautiful gate! I like the rich colors on the carousel too ♥


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