Happy World Oceans Day!
I was so lucky I got a chance to join the UN Ocean Conference, as part of the UN support to the full implementation of Goal 14 of the Sustainable Development Agenda or Agenda 2030, conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
Leonardo Di Caprio, the UN Messanger of Peace |
We had many public figures, scientists, world-know photographers, CEOs, local communities and youth joining the event, including Leonardo di Caprio, the UN Messenger of Peace, Diego Luna, Sir Richard Branson, and 3 great Indonesians speaking at the UN.
Besides, this high level event was also packed with Head of States and Governments and well as ministers related to the preservation of oceans and environment.
Here's some messages given by Leonardo, regarding the challenges we all face now .
The ocean is indeed our home, our future!
Besides, this high level event was also packed with Head of States and Governments and well as ministers related to the preservation of oceans and environment.
Here's some messages given by Leonardo, regarding the challenges we all face now .
The ocean is indeed our home, our future!
And we have no better choice but to keep and preserve the oceans we love, the oceans in which our children will be the next stewards.
For me personally, the oceans will always be my refuge, offering the unconditional peace and boundless love where I am endlessly grateful for ever single thing our Creator bestowed upon me.
Down there, there's a beyond-words beauty we all have to protect.
To preserve.
To love!
To preserve.
To love!
But our oceans have been heavily polluted by our greed, our selfish actions, our constant ignorance.
Marine debris, acidification, over fishing, pollution, raising sea level are only a tiny portion of the horrible consequences of what we have done to the oceans.
This has to stop!
And we can and we have do that together.
A simple gesture of reducing plastic use, stop littering our ocean, to raising awareness about the need to preserve our planet will certainly help.
Happy World Oceans Day!
#darisudutUNGA #missingmyIndonesia
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ReplyDeleteHow lucky you are, mba Indah.
ReplyDeleteSad but true that our oceans have been heavily polluted by our selfish acts and greeds. Stop now or never. We have to protect our ocean for sure.
Happy World Oceans Day.
indeed Zia...some of our oceans are 'dying'...rapidly! So we have to do more and we have to things now!
Deleteakang Leo makin lama makin besar ya badannya. aslinya besar tinggi ama dibanding george clonney? hahaha..penasaran aku
ReplyDeleteiyaaa mbaaa...makin gemuk hehehe...kalau George lebih lean alias kuruuus
Deleteakang Leo makin lama makin besar ya badannya. aslinya besar tinggi ama dibanding george clonney? hahaha..penasaran aku
ReplyDeleteLeo ngga jauh2 ama tingginya sama aku hehehe..pernah liat dari deket banget soalnya, walaupun ngga boleh selfie hiks..
Deletenever seen ocean in my life since I live in the middle of the continent, but we sure don't deserve them, being stupid humans
ReplyDeleteI always love the Ocean, dezzy... and we had done so many stupid things indeed
DeleteHappy World Oceans Day mama Bo
ReplyDeleteThank you mak Irul :*
DeletePemandangan bawah lautnya indah banget ya. mama Bo pasti kangen nih diving di Indonesia :D
ReplyDeleteWe all need to do a lot to save the oceans
ReplyDeleteIt's sad to think of all of the destruction humans have done to our oceans :(
ReplyDeleteSo sad what they find in sea animal's stomaches! I wish more people would understand the harsh impact of their actions.
ReplyDeleteExcellent article. #OneLess is sure a good goal. I envision millions less.
ReplyDeleteHal yang bisa dilakukan dari lingkungan terkecil bisa dengan menjaga lingkungan sekitar. Pemandangan bawah laut itu indah banget ya Mbak, warna-warni
ReplyDeleteSelalu suka sama laut, semoga selalu terjaga dari tangan-tangan jahil manusia tak bertanggung jawab.
ReplyDeleteAah, jd inget videomu yga abang Leo tentang ibu susi, jd heitz bgt loh di Indonesiaa
ReplyDeleteIn my hometown, Bangka Belitung, most of ocean is damaged by the illegal tin miners.:(
ReplyDeleteOnly because the short advantage, the tin. And now while the tin can't be reversible, beside the number of tin is decrease, they are confused to look for a new job because the environtment is already damaged.
we really have to do more and more!
ReplyDeleteAku pernah tinggal di sebuah kota nelayan, sedih karena pelabuhannya itu sangat kotor, terkena bahan bakar kapal2nya. Jadi meski dulu tinggal dekat laut tp nggak punya foto2 yg cetar.