WW: Byward Market, Ottawa, Canada

Love visiting local market while visiting one particular city?
Me, too!
And we didn't miss the chance to visit Byward Market while we were in Ottawa, Canada.

super cloudy :)

so colorful
It's the beaver :)

Love this colorful market filled with delicious smells of fresh bakery and various food offered on its many stalls, including Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau cookies!

I bought a few and they taste wonderful!

Mr. Obama :)
Not to mention the famous local delicacies, Beaver Tails :).

We love it!

Want some?

Kids love this Beaver Tail

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  1. Looks a nice place and seems like you had a fun day and yes I do want some heheh!

    Have a markettastic week :-)

  2. Markets are marvelous! Now I truly do want to try a beaver tail!

    1. It does taste good, Kristin..hope you get a chance to try it..

  3. What a cool place. Love it. Makes me want to go.

  4. cokelatnya bikin pingin langsung digigit Mbak,

  5. Pasar, spot yg kucari saat melancong ke daerah baru

  6. Datang ke market gini saat teaveling, aku jg paling seneng mba.. Bisa nemuin banyak aneka kuliner dan brg2 yg dijual biasanya juga murah2 yaaa. :).. Moga2 akunya nanti bisa ke canada juga :D

    1. Aamiiin...nanti aku cerita-cerita lagi yaaa soal Kanada..

  7. I had no idea what a beaver tail was until we visited Canada. So good! I also love touring their markets to see all of the treats that we don't have here.

    1. I love the salty one, Theresa...with garlic and cheese :)

  8. Wow berang-berang, itu ikonnya Ottawa ya?

  9. I like the display of Obama - man I miss that guy! Looks like a fun trip!


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