Cherry Blossoms at the UN Headquarters

Who is not in love with the cherry blossoms?
Well, perhaps those with allergies .. but I do love cherry blossoms.

If you notice, I have been posting our cherry blossoms seasons here in NYC.
Like Cherry Blossoms at Corona Park, Flushing Meadows, Queens that we visited last year.
 We have been wanting to go to Washington D.C. and enjoy the famous Cherry Blossoms festival there, but my schedule is always conflicting :(.

This year, we have put D.C. in our list but it coincided with the Spring Break and by the time we went back to NYC, we heard that most of the cherry blossoms in Tidal Basin were gone due to heavy rain and wind.

So, I just enjoy the cherry blossoms at the small section of the UN Rose Garden at the UN Headquarters.

One cloudy day, amidst the never ending meetings, I sneaked out and had a brief 'cherry blossoms moment' at the UN Rose Garden. Using my smartphone, I surely snapped a few pictures.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

The cherry trees planting in the UN Rose Garden were made possible by the Lasker family, in the loving memory of Albert Davis Lasker, an American philanthropist, as you can see in the plaque below.

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  1. Bunganya cantik Mama Bo, aah pengin banget foto di situ. Jadi inget lotion dari Mama Bo yg cherry blossom, harumnya enak ��

  2. cherry blossoms and wide smile :)..perfect!

  3. Kangen spring di suly kalo dah liat bunga2 bermekaran begini. huhuhuhuhu

  4. Very pretty photos! Of course I loveee cherry blossoms, too. :D

  5. mau satuu.....suka ngeri liat post mbab Indah di IG atau blog, karena jadi pengen halan-halan ke LN hahaha doain ya ada rejekinya hehehhe

  6. Whoaaaa mama Bo mbok aku titip namaku pas bunganya mekar, hiks mupeng soalnya

  7. Don't you just love how pink and girly cherry blossom are? Looks like an abundance of them popped up at the headquarters this year.

  8. I should go and see it myself :)

  9. Cherry tree ini sama dg pohon buah cherry ngga mama bo? Haha. Tiba2 kepikiran

  10. cherry sama sakura itu beda apa sama sih?

  11. beautiful flower..
    hope to see it someday!

  12. beautiful banget ini cherry nya....kalau di Indo bisa tumbuh gak ya?

  13. Cakep2 ya mbak, rasanya betah lama2 di sana ^_^


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