Enchanted Story of Waitress

"Just one bite 

Cause the wondering...

It only takes a taste 
When you know it's good.
Sometimes one bite is more than enough 
To know that you want more of the things you just got a taste of .."

Do you love Broadway?
I do...and If I could, I would perhaps go and see all those wonderful Broadway performances here in NYC.

Well, New York City and Broadway are probably inseparable. Your visit to the Big Apple won't be complete  if you haven't laughed, screamed, cried and shed your tears enjoying at least one of the so many tantalizing performances at Theatre district, Broadway.

Welcome to Waitress!


Based on the movie with the same title written by Adrienne Shelly, the story revolves around the love and life of Jenna, along with Becky and Dawn. The three of the them of the lovely waitresses at Joe's Pies and Jenna, being the pie expert, has a lot of baking in her life. Pregnant with the first baby from her loveless and rather violent marriage, Jenna was dreaming of having a much better life by planning to join and win baking contest, while she met this handsome doctor, Dr. Pomatter.
Well, I'll stop there! I'm not going to spill the story as you get to see the play yourself.

And I have to say, Jessie Mueller, who's playing Jenna, is fantastic. 
Her acting and her voice are magnificent. No wonder she won the 2014 Tony Award and 2015 Grammy Award for her role as Carole King in Beautiful!

The casts are also fantastic. I love the cute Dr. Pomatter and Ogie, Dawn's hook-up-through-the-love-website boyfriend. And the songs are amazing as well, beautifully written and composed by Sara Bareilles who is famous for ...you know her, right? Google it :).

So, all in all, the show is very entertaining and so true it feels like it's your stories, your concerns, your issues that are amusingly being played on the stage.

About love, life, and what matters most.
Perfect for Valentine's day, I suppose :).

It was the 9 nine of us, all the ladies from the office, watching this show as our farewell gift to Nara, one of our colleagues who soon would go back home to Indonesia as her work has concluded here in NYC. We surely had fun and go mad laughing and crying and singing and humming together during the show.

Cheers from all the ladies :)
So, what do you think?
Would you see this hilarious play as well?
Do you have your favorite Broadway show?
Will you celebrate Valentine's Day watching romantic Broadway show?

The casts at the final bow..


  1. Seru ya nonton pertunjukan rame-rame, apalagi wanita semua hehehe

  2. Aku dari dulu pengen banget nonton broadway, Mbakkk. gara-gara nonton Glee hahaha. Di Indo nggak ada sih..
    EH tapi harga tiketnya itu lebih mahal dari bioskop atau gimana?

    Nanti aku cari versi filmnya ah waitress ini heheh

    1. hahaha..jauuuuh lebih mahal dari tiket bioskop...kalau nonton hanya $12-14an, ini $100 lebih hehehe

  3. hahaha.... di tempat saya tinggal sama sekali tidak ada tempat buat nonton bioskop

  4. more interesting shows we have

  5. Oh wow that does look like fun! It's been awhile, since I've been to a show. One of my projects that my students are working on right now is to create a campaign for a theatrical play, musical or circus. It's one of my favorite projects that they do.

    1. I can imagine why it becomes everyone's favorite! So much great energy and ambience in it, Alissa..

  6. Mbak Indaaah, ya ampun aku lihat foto-foto di post ini aku ngiler pengen nonton pertunjukan teaterikal di Broadway. Gara-gara sejak kecil dibiasakan dengerin musik-musik ala Broadway, sungguh aku ngiler :')

    1. iyaaa Winda...aku pun doyan bangeet...jadi satu per satu ditontonin hehehe

  7. Aku suka mba nonton aksi teatrikal mba :)

  8. keliatan banget muka2 seru nya hahaha... have fun banget keknya

  9. senangnya mbak bisa lihat perform Broadway langsung, pengalaman mengesankan pasti

  10. Can't wait to see School of Rock and Lion King :)

  11. mbak, ini seperti di film moulan rouge *bener gak sih nulisnya* itu ya, amazing bisa nonton langsung

    1. Moulin Rouge :)..seperti Chicago juga... aku lumayan kecanduan nih :)

  12. Kalau bisa nonton kayak gini rasanya memang beda banget dibanding bioskop, ya :D

  13. I love live shows and can't wait to see a Broadway show some day. My favorite would probably be Beauty & the Beast that we did get so see locally a few years back.


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