Boat Trip at Lake Powell : Photo Album

Ready for another series of our half-day adventure in Lake Powell?
On a boat in one sunny afternoon?
Under the magnificent sky?

As I have shared here on Spring Break 2016:  Boat Tour at Lake Powell, we really had fun exploring the western part of this country. Still at Page, Arizona, we have more photos to share here.
Hope you enjoy them as much as we do :)

some part is cloudy, some part is sunny :)

It was only 1.5 hours but we couldn't stop admiring God's grandeur creations.
Who wouldn't admire the magnificent landscape beautifully sculptured in thousands of years?

while waiting for our looks like the Devil's Tower in the back, but it's not :)

Jumpin' high..

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy beautiful skies from all over the world


  1. Itu foto Bo bagus banget foto terbangnya...

  2. Wow, Bo terbangggg! Itu yang foto bertiga, tinggi Bo sudah mendekati Mama Bo ya :D

    1. Sebentar lagi nih mba Lianny.. Mamanya bakal lewaat hehehe

  3. tingginya Bo udah mau mendekati mbak indah nih

  4. Wa Bo tinggi sekali yaa.... kalau aku berdiri dekat Bo, bakal keliatan pendek sekali hahaha... #gagalfokus

  5. Those rock formations really are so majestic! And wow on that high jump! I can barely hop along let along jump up that high ;)

  6. That's one high jump! I love rocks. One of my favorite sites we've been to is Utah. Lots of rock formations there to.

  7. That's one high jump! I love rocks. One of my favorite sites we've been to is Utah. Lots of rock formations there to.

  8. What a beautiful place. Great photos!

  9. MamaBoo, bebatuan kek di atas hampiiir mirip dengan bebatuan yang di Lubang Sewu, Wonosobo. Seriyees. . . :D

    Abang Boo Tjakeeep! Mumuaach

  10. Subhanallah...cakep pemandangannya...


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