Sayur Asem - Indonesian Tamarind Soup with Vegetables

Spring is here and how I truly enjoy the balmy weather. 
Besides all the blooms, we also have more and more spring veggies.

So, I guess it's time to cook more vegetables :).
And I directly remember one Indonesian soup that we love so much back home.
Sayur Asem - Indonesian tamarind soup with vegetables.

If you have visited Indonesia, you will see how popular sayur asem is.
Usually we have that as a complement to a bowl of steamed rice and other main courses, particularly ayam panggang or Indonesian roasted chicken. Or deep fried gurame, gurame goreng, and other seafood. Even a plate of tempe goreng or tempe bacem, fried and sweet Indonesian soybean cake. In short, it will be perfect for almost every course.

And to prepare is super easy.
Sayur asem is basically a medlay of vegetables in tamarind soup. So, again, feel free to use any vegetables that you deem fit for this soup. What I use here is what we usually have back home in Indonesia. But of course, I make some adjustments as well.

Okay, let's hit the kitchen..


Sweet corns - 2 cobs, cut in pieces
Chayote or labu siam  in bahasa Indonesia - peeled, cored and cut ot pieces
Long beans - or in this case, I use green beans. Both taste delicious for this soup. Cut around 15cm
Green jackfruit - I usually buy it in can at oriental shop. Cut in smal pieces
Peanuts - some boiled, some ground
Tomatoes - cut in dice
Green pepper
Onion - thinly sliced
Garlic - crushed and ground
Galanghal - crushed
Bay leaves
Candlenuts - 3 pieces
Coriander - 1 teasponful
Salt - as needed
Palm sugar - as needed
Tamarind - as needed
Shrimp paste or terasi - if desired. It gives a bold flavor and distinct smell, so perhaps not everyone will like it.  You can easily find it in oriental stores or those selling Indonesian spices and stuff.

How to cook:

First we grind the spices. Put shallot, garlic, red chillies, a bit of peanuts, candlenuts, and coriander. Also add terasi or shrimp paste if you like. Then boil a pot of water, put the thinly sliced onion and shallot as well. Once boiled, put the tamarind, ground spices and sweet corn cobs first. After the corns are a bit soft, then put the veggie. I usually start with the peanuts, chayote and green jackfruit as it takes a while to cook them. Then put the rest of the veggies and bring it to boil. Put salt and palm sugar as needed. Once all the veggies are cooked then  the soup is ready. 

ready to eat..

Eat sayur asem with steamed rice and other main courses like fried or roasted chicken, tempe goreng and sambal.

Bon appetite.


  1. Haduhhhh.. Tengah malem baca postingan ini jd pengen mamam #ups hehehe

  2. mama Boooo ! suksesss bikin akuuuu......

  3. Sayur asem harus kudu wajib ada kacang panjang dan labu siam ya mak :))

  4. wah jadi netes nih pengen mbak hehe

  5. This soup does look good. I have a Southwestern Chicken recipe that has pumpkin in it. I put corn in the soup. It's good!

  6. salah satu sayur faforit ketika makan siang nih hehe

  7. yuuum yuuum it with fried gurame :)

  8. This sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

  9. hmmmm maknyus mbak tambahin ikan asin :)

  10. This would be so perfect for lunch or a light dinner. I love soups that contain spring veggies!

  11. Ikan asin dan sambel trasi, pasangan sejati sayur asem tuuh

  12. Yup, nasi anget, sayur asem, ikan asin dan sambel terasi, sedaaaapppp *jadi ngiler :D


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