St. Patrick's Cathedral in a glimpse...

New York City is surely gearing up for the upcoming holiday. I just realized that I haven't really visited this famous church in the middle of busy 5th Avenue. 

St. Patrick's Chatedral.

Many times I have passed the area, mostly with shopping bags in my hands, and the Cathedral has just finished its rather long restoration.

So, one Saturday morning, I just walked in and enjoyed the peaceful ambience under this 136-year-old grandeur architecture.

Let's take a closer look :)

To all of you who will celebrate Christmas, may peace be upon us all. 
Have a festive holiday y'all..


  1. Fotonya keren banget, Mbak. Duh, aku pingin belajar motret dari dulu belum kesampaian :D

  2. Keren banget pilar2 nya, hampir tiap katedral bentuk mya mirip2 begini yaaa

  3. It's gorgeous isn't it? I remember the first time I went in there - I was totally in awe.

    1. It is...I couldn't stop taking pictures here and there :)

  4. It's magnificent! I'm sure it feels even more grandeur in person!

  5. Wow katedralnya megah banget. Mbayangin ngerayain natal di sana :D

    1. Iya Mba Lianny..pasti dirimu dan keluarga suka banget dengan gereja iniii..

  6. I'm not religious at all, but I love the look of some churches, and other types of place people worship at. They are so pretty! I love church songs just because I grew up singing them. Some of the songs I sung I can't believe the meaning now, but I still love them. I thought the song, "How Great Thou Art" was really about art when I was a kid. I thought "Onward Christian Soldier" was about actual soldiers. I sure did miss the point when I was little.

    1. I always enjoy taking pictures of the churches as well, Alissa. Although I am a Moslem myself, I visited many of them while we were in Europe particularly. I have seen incredible mosques as well. But as I said, it is the same peaceful ambience that attracts us :)

  7. I think I have only seen the outside of the cathedral. it was an error not checking the inside.


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