Pennsylvania State Capitol Building at Night

Pennsylvania State Capitol Building at night is indeed beautiful...

Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania.
Have you been to this city? 
Where the US Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were drafted?

Pennsylvania State Capitol Building

Well, after some times (more than a month, I guess >_<), I manage to write and post something about our trip tp Pennsylvania. Works have been crazy lately, even when we are supposed to have our summer break :).

So, a couple days off and two kids, we decided to go to the theme park.
One of the big ones near NYC is Hershey Park.
And as I have shared before here in this blog, I was taking a trip to Managua, Nicaragua for an official visit. And Bo et Obi were enjoying their break.
So, without further a do, that morning, I searched and booked for the hotel, got everything ready, and packed for a two-day adventure in Pennsylvania :).
It might sound crazy but we managed to have quite an adventure.

Destinations: Harrisburg and Hershey's Park.
How exciting :).
Even I couldn't stop smiling on our way there :).

As we headed to Pennsylvania rather late from NYC, we arrived in Harrisburg in the afternoon. 

It took around 4-hour drive from NYC. Getting out of Manhattan was an extra hour :).
But we just enjoyed the trip and made stops whenever we needed.

So, long story short, we arrived in Harrisburg at around 1 PM but the kids wanted to swim first. So, off we went enjoying cool water at the hotel and decided to see the city for dinner.

Just before dinner, we stopped at the State Capitol Building...

It was full moon and simply beautiful...

We missed all those details from this amazing beaux-arts state of the art and my hubby and I decided to return to this beautiful city again soon, to have a proper visit and historic tour. 
So many things to see and to d in Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania, but our visit was to take the kids to the Hershey's Park :). 

Do you wanna hear more story about this great theme park?
I'll be back :)

But meanwhile, let's enjoy Pennsylvania State Capitol Building at night :).

Do you like visiting historical city as well?


  1. We just got back from PA the other day. We stayed near Harrisburg, but didn't see the capitol building while we were there.

  2. mauuu aku mau diceritain tetang sejarah gedung ini mbak

    1. aku rencananya pengen balik lagi ikutan turnyaaa mbaaa

  3. Sukaa, aku suka ke kota penuh sejarah. Cantik view nya dan menarik sejarahnya utk disimak, yaa

    1. bangeeet noe..ini tempat oke bangeeet dan sejarahnya ngg main2

  4. It is so pretty. We haven't been there. It's a long trip from Nebraska. I've been to Georgia, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, Washington, Tennessee, Iowa, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, Wyoming, Illinois, Colorado, Arkansas, South Carolina, and I think that's it. I like Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming the best landscape wise.

    It would be nice to visit PA. I love capitol buildings.

    1. You have been to many places indeed..I will start our road trip this week :) 4 states :)

  5. Pengen mbak datang ke sana foto2nya bikin gimana gitu :)

  6. It does look really lovely lit up like that at night! And so cool you were able to get the full moon in the shot as well!

  7. Subahanallah..indah banget bulannya...

  8. keren banget fotonya :) iya, aku suka mengunjungi kota bersejarah..biasanya tata kota-nya juga suka unik dan tambah nilai point dengan sejarahnya :)

  9. Gedungnya keren. Mau ke sana juga dong, Mbak :)

  10. mwgah pisan yaa keliatannya, berwibawa mbak...

  11. Do you wanna hear more story about this great theme park?

    Iyaaaa. Pingin tahu lebih banyak ceritaanyaaa. Aku suka juga datang ke tempat bersejarah, Mama Boo.


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