Kaastengels a la Obi :)

yummy kaastengels

Cooking with kids can be fun!

Well, the kitchen might be messy but the joy of tossing the ingredients, stirring the dough and cracking the eggs is so overwhelming...
At least in my case :)...

Saya seneeeng bangeeet masak dengan anak-anak. 
Soalnya seruuu...dan mereka memang benar-benar bisa membantu lho. 
Walaupun resikonya adalah dapur jadi amburadul, waktu memasak relatif lebih lama dan seringkali hasilnya jadi tidak seperti yang kita harapkan hehehe.
Tapi melihat Bo et Obi antusias memecahkan dan mengocok telur, menakar tepung, atau menambahkan coklat lagi dan lagi ke dalam adonan kue, rasanya mengharukan hehehe. Bahagia melihat muka celemotan dengan tepung dan meja makan yang meriah dengan hasil karya mereka :). Belum lagi kehebohan dengan pernak-pernik memasaknya, mulai dari apron alias celemek sampai cetakan kue yang lucu-lucu :).

Yang pasti, anak-anak bisa membantu memasak dengan tetap memperhatikan keamanan. Safety first...
Jadi jika mereka membantu, ekstra hati-hati dengan benda panas, tajam dan yang berbahaya lainnya, seperti pisau, baki panggangan yang panas, api kompor atau oven dan sejenisnya.

Dan kali ini, kita mau share pengalaman waktu masak kue keju alias kaastengel.
I know..baru juga mulai puasa tapi boleeeh yaaah share resep favorit kami sekeluarga :).

My family really enjoys hearty meals and yummy munchies. As I need to be careful with sugar and preservatives, I usually cook myself. Well, if I arrive from the office a bit late, Bo et Obi can be very handy in the kitchen. But we usually cook a lot during weekends. And sometimes, Bo et Obi know exactly what they want, so mommy has to stand ready :p.

One of our favorite munchies is kaastengel. 
Cheesy cookies..or some might say, cheese stick. 
Kaas means cheese in Dutch and Kaastengel is quite popular in Indonesia, especially for Eid ul Fitr or Christmas.

But since we love them sooo much, we don't always wait for those special moments. 
We just bake them regularly...enjoying the cooking time with my kiddos.
Including now, as we are about to welcome Ramadhan, the holy month..

I was simply laughing out loud as they started measuring the flour and counting the eggs just like the professional chef. Let alone when they start rolling the dough and sprinkle more and more chocolate or spill the butter. 

For sure the kitchen will be a bit messy but we can always clean it :). But the joy of laughing and creating something together is beyond words. 

But don't forget to make sure everything is safe for them. 
Watch out for sharp, hot, and dangerous objects while cooking with the kids.

So, as Kaastengeel or the cheese cookies are ou favorite, we decided to bake them :).

And here's our simple recipe for Kaastengel from Nenek Lilies, my mom :).
Perfect for any ocassion, particularly Eid Fitr, after the holy month of Ramadhan.
Or even now, for your Ifthar or any occassions you like.

Oh my, we haven't even finished fasting for the first day yet :) 

Ingredients : 

Flour 400 gram (or as needed)
Cheese 250 gram or more, grated 

I usually have Swiss Gruyere, Edam and/or Parmesan...you can also use Gauda et Cheddar of course, whatever you love :). I love the matured cheese because it tas really good and smell wonderfully.
Egg yolks 4
Butter 350 gr 

I usually mix Wijsman, the Dutch canned butter that my mom loves to use soooo much, with margarine or buttery spread, such as I Can't Believe It's not Butter :))
Milk powder 200 gram 
If you like..to add the creamy taste) 
Corn starch 100 gram 
For extra crunchy cookies..

For garnish:
Grated cheese 150 gram or more, depending how generous you are garnishing the cookies
2 Egg yolks, whisked and mixed with butter (2 spoonfull)
Clean brush

You will need baking trays, dough roller, cookie cutters and parchment paper.

How to cook 

Here comes the fun :)

Mix the butter and egg yolks well using mixer, then add the grated cheese. Mix them well.
Then knead the mixture with flour and cornstarch, gradually, until they all mix well and become soft, well-blended dough. The best way of doing it is using our clean hands, so you can really feel it. But of course you can always use the spatula or wooden spoon.

Then roll the dough and cut them using cookie cutter you like.

The traditional shape is rectangles but as you can see, we choose the heart-shaped cookie cutters for this.

Place them onto the greased baking trays.

Then preheat the oven to 420 degree F while you brush the cookies with whisked egg yolks and butter and sprinkle the grated cheese on top. Some extra sprinkles will be fun :)

Once everything is ready, put the trays  and bake till they are beautifully done for around 20 minutes.

Oh my, it looks yummy indeed :).

What's your favorite family recipe? Do you like cooking it with your kids as well?


  1. These look so good! I need to make some kind of treat for Monday. My birthday, Father's Day, and the first day of summer all fall on Sunday. Anyhow at work we always bring treats. No one will be here on Fri. Mon. it is.

  2. kastangelnya...bikin laper mak
    asik banget ya..bisa bikin bareng....bahan2nya lengkap...mau juga donk dibikinin hahahaha....#ditoyor obi ama boo

  3. I love cooking with my kids! I'll even make my nieces and nephews get in the kitchen to create tasty things too.

    1. lucky them :)...indeed, cooking with kids are fun, fun, fun..

  4. wow....asik bikinnya bareng2 ya mba

  5. Wah sepertinya enak, next saya mau nyoba bikin ah bareng Marwah

  6. bisa coba bikin di rumah nih :)

  7. aduh lupa aku punya cetakan itu dair mbak indha, mau bikin juga ah kaya obi

  8. they do look yummy. I have to remind myself often when cooking with the kids that yes - messes can be cleaned up. one of our favourites is classics like chocolate chip cookies, shortbread, or rice krispie squares. all easy for kids to help with.

    1. those look like great recipes..easy to cook and tastes good as well :)

  9. Obiii kamu udah cantik, pinter berbakat masak pulaa..
    sini tante cobain kastangel nyaa..
    kirim ya ke planet Bekasi hehe

    1. aaaah....jadi maluuu kami tante Icus :)...boleh juga dikirim, tapi jauh bangeet yaaah :)

  10. Jadi kebayang adegan di iklan-iklan mentega yang ibu masak sama anaknya yg belepotan tepung :)) Obii, Aunty Win minta kastengelnya dong :9

  11. Bahagianyaaaa bisa masak sama anak2 iiih! Jadi pingiiin. :D

    1. pingin masaknya atau pingin anak-anaknya daaah hehehehe

  12. Waaaa feels like hometown yaaa.... Semoga Ramadan tetap ceria :D

  13. Semoga jadi kayak di indonesia ya mba rasanya...biar kangennya ilang :")
    Masak lagi obi masak lagiii

    1. iyaaa nih chaaa...Obi juga demeen main tepung hehehe

  14. Obiiiiii mau dong kaastengelnya, seru memang bikin kue bareng anak-anak, dapur berantakan tapi hati senang :)

    1. iyaa makli...seru bangeeet, dan Bo juga ikut bantuin lhooo :)

  15. These cookies look so good and it's always fun teaching and baking with the kids in the kitchen. Thanks for sharing this at our Cooking & Crafting with J & J party! Hope you have a lovely day and week!
    Julie xo

  16. These look so yummy!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  17. Penjabaran step-stepnya cukup detailll mb Indah...:)
    n gampang dimengerti
    lagian didukung sama hasil jadi fresh from the oven yang keliatannya tu panas-panas crunchy gitu ya,
    ngebikin aku pengen makan kastangel detik ini juga huhuuuu

  18. Masak sama anak-anak itu ribeeet, but it can make closer mom and child
    *halah english ku masih belepotan. tapi baca postingannya mba indah jadi pengen belajar lagi english dan bikin postingan pakai bahasa inggris,

  19. malam - malam mampir ke sini salah besar hahaha jadi pengen ngunyah - ngunyah kan....
    masak bareng anak - anak seru ya mba, dapur jadi kaya pasar hihihi. Tapi hasilnya sebanding kan

  20. Wah, kaaatengel! Favoritku nih, biasanya juga suka bikin sendiri tapi pengen nyobain buatan Obi dong :D


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