Clear blue sky, turquoise water at Tegal Island, Lampung

Never ceased to be amazed by the clear blue sky and crystal turquoise water at Tegal Island, Lampung, Indonesia..

I usually go here for diving as Tegal Island has beautiful underwater scene, but even snorkeling and swimming around the island and enjoying the sun is perfect :), as you can see here...

And I can guarantee you will have never ending photo session, just like what my family and I did on our last trip to Tegal Island ..

How I miss it....

Bo and my cousin, Iwan, enjoying the fresh dip in the clear water...

one corner of Tegal Island...


My brother, Ajay, skindiving at the island...

Me...and some other family members..under the blue sky....

All photos were taken using GoPro Hero 3 :)

Join us on Skywatch Friday... 
and enjoy beautiful blue sky from different corners of the world..


  1. Your photos are beautiful! That looks like a wonderful and exciting place. It makes me wish for warmer weather. Have a terrific weekend!

    1. thanks Cascia..I need to feel warm :)..have a great weekend as well..

  2. Looks so lovely and inviting.

    1. Thanks you..I hope you can come to Indonesia one day..'

  3. A wonderful place indeed! The turquoise water looks so great!
    Thank you so much for your nice words on my blog!
    Have a happy Sunday!

  4. It looks like a great place to visit. I love your go pro pics.

  5. Mbaaaa...
    Bener ya pas pulang ke Lampung kabari, aku ingin ikut diving bareng... :)

    1. iyaaaa mbaa Zizy..beneraaaan...huaaaa..aku ngg sabaar hehehe

  6. Nice pictures, that place is paradise, fun!

  7. Bagus banget Mbak! Pengen ke sana... dan pengen juga Go Pro-nya, hahaha...

    1. hehehee..iya Unaaa...main ke Lampung dooong...mau nitip Go Pro dari sini? :)

  8. A true paradise! I would never want to leave!

  9. That looks like so much fun. The water is so green, and clear. WOW it's pretty!


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