#MyItchyFeet@NYC: Children's Center at the NYPL..


We're back...

Masih belum boseeen kan denger cerita perpustakaan :).  I know, I know....memang banyak orang yang mengasosiasikan perpustakaan dengan tempat yang sumpah ngg gaul, ngebosenin, dan isinya bukuuuu doang.

Jadi kalau ditanya, "udah pernah ke perpustakaan ini belum.." atau kalau diajak ke perpustakaan, mukanya pasti berkerut or jawab "ngapain ke perpustakaan?" hehehe. Believe me, walaupun banyak dari kita yang suka membaca dan kutu buku, tapi pergi dan menghabiskan waktu di perpustakaan itu lain lagi ceritanya.  

Apalagi budaya baca kita masih belum setinggi di negara-negara lain, antara lain karena harga buku mahal (beneran lhooo...aku sempet tanya ke beberapa orang kenapa ngg suka baca? mereka bilang harga bukunya mahal, mendingan untuk beli yang lain..pulsa HP misalnya :(( ). Padahal, itulah gunanya perpustakaaan...tempat kita menimba ilmu, minjem berbagai macam buku, tanpa harus beli :). Senangnya sekarang gerakan gemar membaca maupun perpustakaan keliling dan perpustakaan tambahan sudah mulai banyak tersedia di berbagai tempat di Indonesia, termasuk yang digagas teman-teman bloggerku tercinta :). So proud of them....

Di sini sendiri, saya sering menjumpai banyak orang yang membaca di berbagai tempat dan kesempatan. Saat melakukan perjalanan menggunakan subway, salah satu transportasi publik favorit saya, banyak penumpang yang memanfaatkan waktu perjalanan mereka dengan membaca, entah itu buku, koran, tablet, kindle atau media lainnya. Apalagi selama di subway kan hampir tidak ada sinyal karena di bawah tanah, jadi ngg terganggu dengan update status dan teman-temannya :).

Sooo...saya kan janjiii ya untuk share more of the NYPL or New York Public Library, as the previous posting was focusing most on the historical part with some photos of the building.

Let me now take you further :)..Shall we?

Indeed there are many interesting part of the library that I bet you will enjoy. The Rose Reading room, for example. It has been a favorite spot for everyone who comes to NYPL, including overflowing tourists :). Read my entry HERE to peep the beauty of Rose Reading Room :) and I'll be back with more details on Rose Reading Room.

Then, on our third visit to the Library (in three-week row, mind you...), we spent some time in the Children's Center. Since they closed early when we came previously here, that time we managed to go straight to the Children's Center.

And Bo et Obi really felt at home...just like maman et Bapak, too :).

Racks filled with books warmly welcomed us here...
Ada banyaaaak banget buku cerita anak-anak yang terjejer rapi di rak, maupun di keranjang-keranjang yang ada di beberapa meja kecil. 

The room is not that spacious, but enough to accommodate kids and their parents comfortably while enjoying their favorite books.

I also like the way they decorate the room. Hand-painted murals picturing some landmarks in NY as well as in the US are pretty colorful. You will see the Liberty Statue, Grand Canyon, Hollywood, Central Park, and many more...

They also put some posters, big dolls and real-size print-outs for everyone to see..and to take picture with :)

Obi mojok dengan Clifford :)..

So, we grabbed our choices of book and headed to the rugged area, where we can sit (or laying around) comfortably on the floor. 

Selfieee time :)
Then, the sound of turning pages dominated the room :)

See....it's heaven! At least for us who loveeee reading and spending joyful time exploring pages and more pages of wonderful books. 

They also have various programs, exhibition, and classes for kids as well parents. 

And I am the proud member of NYPL as well :)

The Children Center is open on Monday,  Thursday, and Friday from 10 am to 6 pm, and Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 am to 7.45 pm. Sunday is closed.

Do you have children library as well around you?


  1. wah,,,tempatnya keren mak,,aku pasti betah disitu,,

  2. Budaya membacanya melekat ya Mbak, jadi fasilitasnya keren juga dimanfaatin dengan baik.. Pengeeeen..

    1. Iyaaaa... Mudah-mudahan di Indonesia juga bisa seperti ini yaaaa... Segeraaa..

  3. Wah saya pasti betah di situ mak... #IriPositif

  4. What a fun place! I just love the environmental graphics!

  5. Woow tak hanya lengkap, suasananya bikin betah. Rekreasi dan menambah wawasan di perpustakaan, mengapa tidak? Terima kasih Jeng Indah berbagi kesukaan ke perpus. Salam

  6. Perpustakaan Soeman HS Pekanbaru asik juga lo untuk anak-anak, sama seperti children center. Kalau Sabtu atau kalau ada rombongan anak sekolah, ada story telling dari petugas perpus. Sayaaaang banget, Jogja, kota pelajar, malah tidak punya perpus seperti itu.


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