#MyItchyFeet : Back to Tanjung Putus island, Lampung...

And we're baaaaack....

Another trip to my hometown Lampung a couple weeks a go was truly awesomeee...

Together with ma petite famille, plus more petite famille from my big big family, as always, we decided to spent our Easter break in Lampung, exploring its beautiful beaches, exquisite culinary and more. 

Lampung indeed has a lot to offer...

We have visited Lampung so many times and you can check the stories here in my blog :)
Kampungku LAMPUNG _ Tanjung Putus
MyItchyFeet: Diving Trip to Tanjung Putus

and many moreee...

Buuut.... before we get to the details on our last visit, may I show some of the snorkeling photos I got while we were spending a lovely day in Tanjung Putus island? One hour boat ride was really paid off with the beauty bestowed upon our eyes as we snorkeled here....

Just imagine....

Strolling around the white sandy beach...

Just you....and your loved ones....

Swimming with the fish...big school of fish... 

in the blue sea...

some are neatly marching ....

And some colorful giant clams....

with one turquoise clam as my fave...

Then, I met this...lovely sea pipe fish...playing hide and seek with us...

All in all...it was, again, a lovely experience...

Check out some more photos first...Here they areee....

the cute territorial fish :)...

healthy corals and my fave tiny blue fish...

some underwater scenes 

All photos were taken by me using Canon G15 and underwater housing Fantasea


  1. Uwaaaa keren bangettt....kata nila tanzil.kl nyelem g blh pegang2 ya mak....

  2. tergantung mak.beberapa struktur cukup kuat untuk disentuh..banyak memang yang baiknya tidak dipegang mak, supaya tidak merusak dan seringkali anemon dan koral itu punya mekanisme perlindungan sendiri lhooo...jadi ada yang nempel, tajam, atau berlendir :D...lebih baik dinikmati saja :D..

  3. alam bawah lautnya indah banget maak, bersiih, moga2 akan terus erjaga dengan baik seperti itu ya

    1. betul maaak...indah banget, bersih banget, tenang bangeet...pokoknya sukaaaa hehehehe...amiiiin, semoga selalu terjaga yaaa...

  4. Subhanallah,,keren banget mak Indah,,,nggak bisa ngomong apa2 wes,,,

  5. Aku suka laut tp gak bs renang... Kenapa oh kenapa??? #Dramatis

  6. wah seru berenang bareng ikan mbak

    1. bangeeet mbaaa...serunya tak terlukiskan hehehe..ikan-ikan itu pada cueek lhooo..

  7. Pernah ke Lampung tapi udah lamaaa banget dan belum pernah ke pantainya hiks..

    1. sayang bangeeeet maak...moga2 next time ke Lampung bisa main ke sini yaaa...

  8. Arrgghhh tuh fhotos bikin ngiler aja, pengen bisa snorckling n diving kapan ya?

  9. that's why u love diiiiiviiiiiiing!!

  10. Cantiknya laut Indonesiaaa ya, Mba . . .

  11. kita buka trip untuk pulau2 indah di lampung kakak, pulau pahawang, kelagian dan tanjung putus sekitarnya minimal 10 orang..
    yang berminat hubungi via email ferdianyuza1234@gmail.com
    di jamin puas menikmati keindahan laut lampung

  12. kami menerima trip ke pulau pahawang, kelagian dan tanjung putus dan sekitarnya kakak..
    kalo yang serius hubungi email kami ferdianyuza1234@gmail.com
    dijamin puas menikmati pantai-pantai indah lampung

  13. That lovely sea pipe fish is so interesting. I don't think I've ever seen it before. What an experience!


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