Showing posts with label UN headquarters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UN headquarters. Show all posts

International Women's Day 2017

Cheers to all the women in the world!

Happy International Women's Day.

The International Women's Day is celebrated every March 8.

The remarkable achievements and valuable contributions of women from every corner of the world, at every level, are cherished. Many have been achieved, as more and more women across the globe are empowered and have enjoyed better education, more decent works, more civil and political rights, and better health, among others. Women's rights are at the center of many policies and initiatives, be it at the national, regional and global level.

The 2017 commemoration of the IWD

Nevertheless, at the same time, we fully realize and recognize the daunting challenges faces by women and girls in many corners of the world, ranging from discrimination and inequality at the work field to extreme poverty and domestic violence. Too often women pay greater price and face far greater risks in many aspects of life, including at home, in the community, or in public space.

Here at the UN, UN Women, or the United Nations Entity for Gender  Equality and the Empowerment of Women, this day serves as the vivid remind of the constant struggle and continued efforts in ensuring better and dignified life for all women and girls. As the UN body mandated to ensure gender equality and empowerment, UN Women sure has a lot to work on, together with governments, civil society organizations, and women themselves, in order to realize those goals.

The theme for 2017 IWD is Women in the changing world of work: Planet 50-50 by 2030.

We had a series of panel discussions featuring many inspiring panelists, including Anne Hathaway on her capacity as the Global Goodwill Ambassador.

The Goodwill Ambassador, Anne Hathaway (photo was taken from

We also have many speakers from various business and organizations such as Google, LinkedIn, Airbnb, CONNECT and WIEGO, speaking and sharing food for thoughts on the changing environment affecting women and the challenges entailed.

Flawlessly moderated by Sade Baderinwa from ABC News, the commemoration has openly discussed about the strategies towards gender parity and further women empowerment in many fields. And how women continue to strive and stand up for her rights.

Menjadi perempuan memang penuh dengan tantangan.
Baik itu di kantor, di komunitas dan lingkungan masyarakat, maupun di dalam keluarga.
Terkadang, saya berpikir apakah apa yang saya harus lalui untuk meraih cita-cita, karir yang lebih baik dan kehidupan yang nyaman, sama beratnya dengan yang dialami rekan pria saya. dulu, tidak jarang saya membatin,"enak ya jadi laki-laki...tidak perlu repot melakukan ini itu, tidak perlu merasakan ini itu, bisa fokus pada karir ....," dan sebagainya. 

But then,  I realize bahwa menjadi perempuan adalah anugrah luar biasa!

Saya yakin dan percaya kalau perempuan memang diciptakan untuk menjadi sosok hebat yang  mampu melewati aneka tantangan dalam berbagai fase hidupnya. Mulai dari kecil, beranjak dewasa, berkarir, berumah tangga, hingga menikmati masa tua. Sejak kecil kita ditempa untuk menjadi sosok mandiri yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain, terutama keluarga dan orang terdekat, dengan kasih sayang dan kelembutan hati. 

Saya bersyukur banget diberi kesempatan untuk belajar memasak sejak kecil dan bertanggung jawab menyiapkan sarapan untuk keluarga hingga saya kuliah. Belum lagi kewajiban lain untuk menjaga adik-adik, membantu membersihkan rumah dan lainnya. Dan itu semua tidak mengurangi semangat saya untuk belajar dan terus belajar berbagai ilmu dan keahlian yang saya sukai sekaligus aktif di berbagai kegiatan dan organisasi di sekolah, kampus dan di mana pun saya berada. Saya yakin tempaan sejak kecil ini membuat kita menjadi sosok perempuan yang tidak mudah menyerah dan selalu berupaya menjadi yang terbaik. Tinggal memastikan bahwa kita memiliki kesempatan untuk terus mengembangkan diri, menjadi yang terbaik dan memberi kontribusi positif kepada dunia. 

Well, back to IWD, here's the short video from UN Women on the event this year.

So, chin up. 
Keep the spirit high.
I believe, women are naturally blessed with strength and versatility. 
Thus, women have so much potentials and opportunities to further develop and benefit from the constantly changing world.

I sincerely hope we can achieve more in ensuring gender equality and women empowerment.

To all the women in the world!

Random sky NYC

More random shots from NYC's blue sky :)

North Lawn, UN Headquarters

Under the flags, UN HQ

Chrysler building from the Queensboro Bridge 

Astoria Park

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the magnificent skies from all over the world

January Sky

It has been quite sometimes I did not post my snaps on NYC sky.
Surprisingly, January has been crazily busy for me.
Meeting after meeting has confiscated my days and besides, the weather was rather wet, cold, and gloomy in the last couple of weeks. And the recent dynamics in politics is a bit worrisome as well.
I'm not going to bother you with what we discussed inside this organization, but you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Well, back to my hobby of peeping up the sky, recently we had some sunny days.
And trust me,  it's good to welcome sunshine again!
Although the crispy, freezing winter wind still come and get you.

So I rushed myself out and snapped a view of January sky.

And it's great to be outside!

Grayish ..but much, much better

Although the sky is typical greyish winter, but looking at Merah Putih, the national flag of my beloved Indonesia, majestically raised up there against the backdrop of the UN flag and clear sky, makes me feel good.
And proud.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

the sphere within the sphere...

Join us on Skywatch Friday and be blessed by majestic skies' photos from many corners of the world

UN in Blue

I have been spending so much time at the UN lately. We are in the middle of intense debates and endless meetings on the issues related to decolonization. For the last three week, I spend my 10-6, sometimes even more, at this headquarters.

As much as I was tied up with works (oh all those piles of documents and reports), I need some time off just to clear my mind.

Good thing that the UN Headquarters is beautifully situated at the banks of the East River.

I just need to get out of the building.
Look ahead, look up and inhale.
What a glorious blue sky.
What a beautiful day.
How blessed I am...

Works will always be there.
Waiting for you... 
With its consuming hands, draining your energy,- and sometimes happiness, too.


But whenever you know when to stop...
To pause for a while..
To have a quick break for more precious things in your life...

Then life will always be filled with new hopes and spirit.

Hope, a gift from Latvia to the United Nations

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the lovely sky from all over the world :)

WW: Art Exhibition at the UN

Aren't they all beautiful?
Art Exhibition at the UN Headquarters in New York City.

really love this one..

the complete version..

cute :)

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy those great links :)

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WW: The Knotted Gun at the United Nations HQ

Violence is indeed the last thing we need in this world..

But the world we live in now, sadly, is frequently shocked by atrocities and flagrant acts of those who have lost their humanity.

no more violence..

And here at the UN, we continue to work on finding the solutions and comon ground to address the rise of radicalization and violent extremism, wherever it is conducted. On whatever basis..identity, culture, religious values or something else.

Made by Carl Fredrik Reutersward...
And this knotted gun, a gift from Luxembourg in 1988, sculpted by Carl  Fredik Reutersward, is a vivid reminder that violence, for whatever reason, wherever it is, be it in Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, Gaza, and any corners of the world, should stop NOW. 

Gift from Luxembourg in 1988...

no more pointing guns....

peace be upon us ....

Is promoting peace and tolerance that difficult?
What is it that makes it so hard to live side by side with others in harmony? 
Because to me, intolerance, and its growing manifestations, only breeds and propagates hatred, division and violence.
The last thing we need in this world....

And never forget... terrorism and violent extremism cannot be attributed to particular religions, nationalities, civilizations or ethnicities. 

Stay safe, everyone...

Happy 70th Anniversary, United Nations!

October 24 is the United Nations Day.
We celebrate it every year  and 2015 is rather special as the UN reaches 70 years of continued works for a stronger institution and eventually, a better world.

happy 70th anniversary..

To commemorate this special event, #UNBlue has been lit in many corners of the world, beautiful engulfing hundreds of landmarks across the globe.
Including in Borobudur temple, Indonesia. 

Borobudur..beautifully lit in UN Blue.. Photo is taken from UNIC flickr

As I am here, we take our time to visit the UN headquarters that day and capture the moment when #UNBlue shines regally in that building.

the UN in UN Blue :)

Together with Bo, I took the liberty to take pictures in the UN Headquarters, where I spend most of my time participating in various global discourses and negotiations, particularly in the field of human rights.

happy birthday UN..

cheers from me and Bo :)

UN Blue and Indonesian blue :)

And we even have the Empire State Building lit in Blue, as we saw it from Long Island City. 

Empire State Building in blue from a far :)

Amidst the many achievements of this intergovernmental organizations, many have thought that the UN hasn't done enough to address so many ongoing issues and conflicts across the globe. 
It might be true, to some extent, to certain cases. 
But can you imagine if the UN doesn't exist?

                                   So keep the hopes soar high.

For a stronger UN.And a better world.

You're Grounded ..

It's been such a busy week!

Lucky me indeed...
Series of meetings haunted me, including working lunches and early morning visits to the big guy, my nickname for the radiation machine, constantly. Running around while watching the sun rises is in my agenda.

Well, didn't mean to complain ..

One thing for sure, I am lucky enough to have all these strength, patience and spirit to endure my day-to-day struggle :).

And clear blue sky...

Aaah...clear blue sky.

spending so much time here lately..UN Headquarters, NYC.

My refuge..
the sphere within the sphere at the UN..

The calming blue sky..
Join us and let's enjoy the calming blue sky from different corners of the world on Skywatch Friday :)

Indonesian Lounge at the UN Headquarters, New York

Rasanya, saya belum pernah bercerita mengenai UN Headquarters, atau Markas Besar PBB, di New York ya? Hmmm...Ther lha lhuuu..kalau kata Bung Rhoma Irama #sungkemdulu :).

Indeed I haven't shared that much about the United Nations headquarter where I spent most of my time.

To begin with,  let me start with the Indonesian Lounge

Yuuup, Indonesian Lounge it is.

As an Indonesian, I'm so proud to learn that the United Nations has a special corner named after my country.

Rasanya banggaaaa banget kalau ada sesuatu yang mengingatkan kita dengan tanah air saat berada jauh darinya. Dan di Markas besar PBB di New York, Indonesian Lounge sudah lama ada lhooo. 

The West Foyer of the General Assembly Hall has long been known as the Indonesian Lounge. I could not find enough information (I'll dig some more) on when exactly this Foyer is named that way, but for sure this special area is named after two Balinese statues, namely Peace and Prosperity. 

Tempat ini diberi nama Indonesian Lounge karena ada 2 patung kayu asal Bali yang berjudul Perdamaian dan Kemakmuran, yang merupakan hadiah dari Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Hadiah ini diberikan oleh Presiden pertama RI, Soekarno. Dari plakatnya, terbaca bahwa patung ini adalah hadiah dari rakyat Indonesia.

Di Markas Besar PBB memang banyak sekali hadiah-hadiah dari negara-negara Anggota PBB. Semua persembahan itu dipajang di berbagai sudut Markas Besar yang memang cukup luas. Nanti saya akan coba ceritakan satu persatu :)...

Now, let's take a closure look at Prosperity...


And here's Peace...

These special gifts of the Government of Indonesia stand graciously at the end of white comfy sofa. I have to say it's everyone's favorite when one is looking for a quiet and cozy place near the general Assembly Hall. The UN Secretary-General often hosts many high-level receptions, especially during the opening of the High level Segment of the General Assembly, here.

Tempat ini menjadi tempat favorit karena nyaman dan tidak terlalu ramai, sehingga menjadi favorit teman-teman diplomat. Sekjen PBB pun sering mengadakan Resepsi di tempat ini, terutama saat pembukaan sesi Majelis Umum PBB setiap tahunnya yang banyak dihadiri kepala-kepala negara maupun pemerintahan.

For me, I keep taking my friends here as well :). Especially those who haven't been to the UN HQ. Welcoming Indonesians to the Indonesian Lounge at the UN is a great pleasure to me.

With Ilhamdaniah at the Lounge..
Melly is sitting cozily at the couch :)
So, have you been to the Indonesian Lounge as well? 
What do you think about the statues?