Showing posts with label Indonesiaku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesiaku. Show all posts

WW: Back to Pontianak, West Kalimantan

Welcome to Rasau Jaya, Pontianak, West Kalimantan

I was thrilled to go back to Pontianak, West Kalimantan, with the office for a field visit to one of the sustainable palm oil plantations in the area.
Have you visited a palm plantation before?

Kalimantan, or many know it as Borneo, is indeed the island of magic.
Its lush green sceneries and its reputation as the lungs of the world have captivated the attention of many and surely it's something that we need to continuously protect.

We visited PT Mitra Aneka Rezeki, one of the companies managed under PT. Pasifik Agro, whose core business is sustainable palm oil. We saw most of the facilities as well as good agricultural practices done by it. We visited the process of producing palm oil and as part of the conservation efforts, each and everyone of us planted the trees in the vacant area near their office. Such an experience indeed. 

We also visited some spots where workers were doing their routines. Many of them are strong women and we discussed a few things with them as well. 

Here are some photos I took during the visit.
Hope you enjoy all the green sceneries here and there.

And here is the view we could enjoy after climbing up the 18-meter fire tower.
We went up with some friends, took pictures and even vlogged.
It's not everyday you have to courage to climb up that high and enjoy the breathtaking scenery, at least for me.
It's so peaceful to see green lines of palm trees dotting the areas.

PT MAR Kubu Raya Pontianak
So green..

Join us for (almost) Wordless Wednesday (click HERE) and enjoy the party! 

Wonderful Places to Visit in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.

Welcome to the Mangkunegaran Palace
Wonderful Places to Visit in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia


Have you been visited this beautiful city in Central Java?
I have
And I love it!

Solo has always been special for me.

This peaceful city has long been famous for its Palace, cultural live, and wonderful people. No wonder it has a special place in my hearts.
Particularly since this is the very place where the door to the blogging world was opening up for me.
Yup..this is where I joined  Asean Blogger Festival back in 2013.

It all started when my office, Directorate for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs of MOFA assigned me to join ASEAN Blogger Festival as one of the speakers for Freedom of the Expression session as well as the Master of Ceremony for the opening session and welcoming dinner. It was kind of work I love to have. So I joined the event and I loved it!

I met so many bloggers from ASEAN (p.s.: to those who are not familiar with what ASEAN is, it's the Association of South - East Asian Nations which comprises of Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and the Philippines). as well as from all over Indonesia. As this is one of the biggest blogger events in the region at that time,  I met many senior bloggers and those who have been famous for being one. Lucky me! 

This is the place where I met the founders of my blogging community, Kumpulan Emak Blogger, and some other blogging communities that have been active for quite some times. I instantly joined them and I have been blogging since then! Another great thing is that we manage to keep our friendship up until now. Precious indeed.

And Solo couldn't be more than perfect for that. Its cultural richness and historical sites for many special occasions, - including the site of the first human 

Pura Mangkunegaran

Rasanya kunjungan ke Solo akan kurang lengkap jika tidak mengunjungi Pura Mangkunegaran yang sangat terkenal sebagai istana resmi Kadipaten Praja Mangkunegara dan kerap menjadi pusat aneka kegiatan, terutama kebudayaan. 

Pura Mangkunegaran or the Mangkunegaran Palace is the official palace of the Mangkunegaran royal family, the ruler of the kingdom in Solo.

Ada beberapa tempat yang bisa dilihat oleh publik dan ada beberapa bagian yang privat di istana yang dibangun oleh Pangeran Samber Nyawa atau Raden Mas Said yang menjadi  Pangeran Adipati dengan gelar Mangkunegaran I. Rasanya kalau sedang berkunjung ke keraton seperti ini, aku ingin mendengar lebih banyak lagi berbagai cerita dan hikayat jaman dulu, termasuk aneka affairs LOL #anaknyakepo.

Foto by my friend Vienna

Sebelumnya saya juga sempat menghabiskan waktu di salah satu pendopo yang terbuka saat Mangkunegaran Art Festival digelar. Sepertinya gelaran ini dilakukan setiap setahun sekali but I gotta check on that. One thing for sure, this festival is too good to miss!

Berbagai tarian tradisional cantik dipersembahkan olhe para penari yang cantik dan keren. Bener- bener menyenangkan deh! Karena acaranya diselenggarakan secara profesional dan tarian serta kesenian yang ditampilkan pun juara!

I love this one as well!

Museum Keris Surakarta - Surakarta Keris Museum

Have you heard of Keris or Kris, Indonesian traditional dagger?
Famously known for its asymmetrical shape and unique pattern of laminating the iron and nickel, Keris has long been famous as part of Indonesian culture, particularly in Java.
It is very distinctive so that Keris has been nominated as UNESCO  Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
And Solo, or the city of Surakarta, has a special museum for this.

Sudah ada yang pernah mampir ke sini? 
Saya baru tau kalau Solo punya Museum Keris yang lumayan lengkap dan unik.
Saat ke sini, terasa sekali kalau museum ini memang baru dibuka.
Di museum ini kita bisa mengetahui sejarah keris yang merupakan bagian budaya Jawa yang sangat erat eksistensinya dengan masyarakat Jawa. Oh ya, Keris juga telah resmi menjadi UNESCO  Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity! Keren kaaan...Membanggakan sekali ya! Keris telah menjadi salah satu karya seni budaya yang menjadi warisan budaya kemanusiaan lisan dan nonbendawi.

Selain itu, kita bisa melihat proses pembuatan keris dari awal saat jaman dahulu, penyebaran keris di berbagai wilayah Indonesia maupun kawasan Asia Pasifk,  dan berbagai jenis keris yang unik dan kerap 'berisi', untuk mereka yang percaya.

Some of the traditional Indonesian Keris

Kalau ada kesempatan, jangan lewati museum yang satu ini ya.
Banyak hal menarik yang bisa dilihat.
Dan jangan lupa untuk pakai sepaut yang nyaman. Waktu kami ke sana, somehow liftnya tidak berfungsi, jadi lumayan juga turun naik sampai lantai 4 or 5 untuk melihat beranek ragam koleksi keris yang dipajang ini.

Belanja Batik dan Souvenir tradisional

Solo dan Batik adalah satu kesatuan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Meskipun banyak tempat di Jawa yang juga terkenal dengan batiknya, Solo memiliki kekhasan tersendiri untuk warna dan pola Batik yang dihasilkan. Bahkan Solo juga kerap menggelar Karnaval Batik Solo yang makin terkenal karena keunikannya. One of the batik collections that I admire while visiting Solo is the one they use to adorn the wayang displayed in the Royal  Surakarta Heritage hotel. Batik Solo is awesome indeed.

Kami sempat mampir di beberapa toko sepanjang Kampung Batik Lawean dan Kaumna. Buat kalian yang cinta Batik, siap - siap kalap yaaa karena banyak sekali kain Batik cantik yang rasanya sayang dilewatkan. Selain itu, kami juga belanja beberapa souvenir khas dan makanan asli Solo seperti intip dan serabi Solo. Pokoknya enak-enak semua juga! Kalau tanya yang saya beli apa saja, saya akan jawab semuaaa LOL. Memang pulang dari Solo kemarin, saya sempat membeli aneka keripik, abon Solo yang sangat terkenal dan juga intip serta jajanan pasa. Bahagia deeh pokoknya.

I believe there are so many beautiful places you can visit in Solo but since I only have one and a half day here (including my full day meeting, mind you), these are a few wonderful places you should not miss when you are visiting this lovely city.
So, which place that you think you will visit in Solo when you get a chance?
Tell me in the comments, please.
See you on the next adventures, dear friends!

WW: Jatiluhur Dam, Purwakarta, West Java

On our way back from Bandung, we decided to stop by at Jatiluhur, Purwakarta.

This city is famous as the location of the biggest dam and hydropower in Indonesia, Waduk Ir. H. Juanda or famouly known as Waduk Jatiluhur.

Built in 1957 by the first President of Indonesia, Soekarno, and inaugurated in 1967 by his successor, President Soeharto, this rockfill dam is surely huge. Surrounded by Mount Lembu, this lovely water reservoir provides a serene and calm ambience, with natural landscapes and fresh air. Truly a lovely spot to spend some times with your family.

We stopped here to admire the green scenery  and to have our late lunch.

Guess I have to visit this place again to explore more of the area.
Enjoy some photos we took along the way and hope you like it.

There is a hotel and resort here as well, d'Jatiluhur, managed by Grama Tirta company.
There are various rooms and cafes as well as restaurant by the dam where you can enjoy traditional cuisine and the sunset.

the tree house near the hotel..

Have you visited similar place as well?
Do you like it?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party

To a Fabulous 2020

Wishing all my dearest friends and family a fabulous 2020!

I know 2019 has been super colorful for me and my family.
Colorful as we have so many ups and downs.
Beautiful moments captured yet many solemn instances took place.
We have so much to be grateful for, amidst the frequent trips to hospital that my hubby and I had to do along the year..

2019 is also filled with so many ‘first time’ as well.
Visit to Moscow, Russia .. hunt Aurorra Borealis in Tromsø .. ride the horse at Gedong Songo temple .. join Guinness World Record breaking attempt in diving and succeed .. do hysteroscopy ... those are among the view things I have on my list in 2019.
I guess the list is quite long.

First time ever seeing the Aurrora Borealis at Tromso, Norway

In my professional career, 2019 has provided so many wonderful opportunities for self-development and network expansion in the field of human rights and multilateral affairs.
I got the chance to travel to so many beautiful spots in the world as well, including a frequent trip to my second and third hometowns, Geneva and New York City.

But the most important thing is my petite family.
The Frakarsas
My treasure and all my life.
I was so lucky I got to spend some quality time with them.
My kids are having fun at school and making friends with so many talented youngsters, including exploring their passion in so many new fields, like martial arts.
All in all, happily, my family enjoyed our stay in out beloved Indonesia and again got a chance to explore the beauty of wonderful Indonesia.

I will definitely share more of my reflection of 2019 soon.

Wherever you are now, I sincerely wish you a blessed and peaceful 2020
May we have the faith, the strength and the courage in this new beginning
Always believe that the Almighty always has the best scenario for all of us


WW: Family Trip to Cirebon, West Java

Cirebon, here we come!
Have you been to or heard about Cirebon before?

It is one of the historical cities in West Java, which happens to be the hometown of my late grandpa from my father's side.
The last time I visited this place was when I was 16 year-old. Ages ago!
Well, we did stop by for a while, only for a quick lunch, when we headed back home from Semarang to Jakarta.
But this time, we really spent the whole day exploring this lovely city again.

We went here with my mom and aunties as well as my little brother and his wife plus my niece. It was quite a big group, around 11 people all together.
The trip was fun and full of great food as well as laughter.
Plus visits to our ancestors' palaces.
Here are some snaps from Sunyaragi Palace, Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque and Kasepuhan Palace, Cirebon

The roof of the Mosque..all made of Teak Wood. Beautifully crafted!

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party

WW: Riding Horses at Gedong Songo Temple, Ungaran, Central Java

Cheers from Gedong Songo Temple, Ungaran, Central Jave

It's a super late post.
But for sure  we love riding horses at Gedong Songo Temple, Ungaran, Central Java.
Have you been here before?
It was the first time for us although I have been to Semarang several times.

Check out or happy faces here :).
Will share more memories and stories later.

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the links

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Beautiful Bali..

Back to Bali and I am super happy!

Well, it's always a mixture of excitement, bliss and slightly sad as I wish my petite family join me here in this paradise island. Too bad the kids have their school days and my hubby has his works as well. I promise I will return to this lovely island soon.

Many of my friends on the other sides of the world are also celebrating many festivities

And as the end of the year approaches, we started to arrange some plans for it.
Frankly speaking, we haven't decided anything but for sure I' planning to have my hysterescopy and hysterectomy soon. Wish me luck! I hope this operation will help me handle my cancer and all its negative impacts.

And meanwhile, my hubby was admitted to the emergency room and rushed to have appendicitis operation. I abruptly left Bali, a day before scheduled, to be by his side. He's doing well now but we had so many changes of plans as Udi my hubby was scheduled to have bike tour in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Well, I believe my Rabb has better plans for us.

Now, let me invite you to our weekly party with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and friends. Have fun!

And Happy Thanksgiving to my dearest friends in the US who celebrate it! Have a wonderful time with your family!

Welcome to A Wonderful Wednesday!! We always get a head start each week and our Co-Hosts choose from the previous week’s links and we are featuring 8 blogs from last weeks party and all our Co-Hosts too on week #183 This party comes at a time when we are all getting ready to sit down with our families to enjoy a Thanksgiving Tradition, gathering to enjoy a lovely meal and to give thanks for all that we enjoy together! Happy Thanksgiving To All Our Friends of Oh My Heartsie Girl, we appreciate you all! We are ready for you to share with us your blog, plus Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! Please follow our Hostess and visit and comment on some of the blogs that have linked! We appreciate your visit today and if you are following us let us know in comments so we can follow you back!


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♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World 🍁Tromsø, Paris from the North Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzit♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center 🍁 Christmas Shopping Tips Everyone Needs Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzit

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Debbi Dabble Christmas Blog // Wreath Re-Do, Dabbling and Sneak Peaks!! Her Wreath which was featured on Pottery Barn not to mention all the blogger friends that have shared it on their blogs ...

Feature Chosen by Alice // DIYerfy Across The Blvd // Melted Snowman: Wood slice Christmas Craft for Kids

Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country Crafting Across The Blvd // No Sew Buffalo Check Ornaments THeses are the cutest handmade ornaments where the front and back are decorated 

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo My Slices Of Life // Holiday Center Folding Card Tutorial If your looking for inspiration to making Christmas Cards for exchanging you'll find the tutorial here. 

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Marilyns Treats // Thanksgiving Stuffing Cheat Using Stove Top If you are not super good at making a stuffing, you need to check out the recipe and added ingredients to make Stove Top fabulous!

Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Comfort Spring Station // Small Batch Grapefruit Mandarin Jam This is a jam that can be made year-round and given as gifts to family and friends 
Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria // My Purple World An Artful Mom // Holiday Cookie Preview Not too soon to be planning those cookie recipes, there are lots to see.

Vanity and Me Style // Why I choose separates over a dress But Now......Lets Party....
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