You know where you are..
You’re in the jungle, baby…
Perhaps you are familiar with that lyrics from a famous hit song. If you are, then you know who the band is. Yes, G n' R or Guns and Roses.
When I was way younger, perhaps in junior and senior high schools, I grew up listening to their hits. I did have many of their albums, still in the forms of cassettes, which need cassettes players in order to listen the songs. I guess many of the millennials have no clues what the cassette is or how the cassette player looks like.
But anyway, this is one of my favorite rock bands of all time (besides Aerosmith and Bon Jovi and more, actually). Although we had watched their concerts while in Geneva back in 2010 if I’m not mistaken, we jumped at the first opportunity to get the tickets for G n’ Roses concert in Wellington.
Originally we bought only 2 tickets for me and my hubby, but then at the last minute, my friends who were supposed to join us couldn’t make so we bought their tickets and went all together with our teens.
We made sure they listened to some of those hits begire coming to the concert LOL. The band is obviously not on their radar but some of the legendary hits are easily found in many movies, games or Spotify.
Long story short, we really enjoyed the concert. It was my girl’s 12th birthday as well so we had mini celebration with sushi, fries and cold drinks, plus sing-a-long till almost midnight.
Here are some photos we took during the concert and you can see we did have a blast in there.
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party
wow menyenangkan sekali mba bisa menyaksikan band favoritnya nih..btw temannya beruntung ya mba pada akhirnya bisa beli tiketnya juga dan bisa nonton barengan deh
ReplyDeleteWaah .. keren bisa nonton Guns n Roses ... saya sewaktu masih sekolah dulu sih dengar lagu mereka ... mereka gak ke Indonesia ya kali ini.
ReplyDeletewah Guns n Roses, hihi iya jaman dulu mesti punya tape buat dengerin lagi di kaset. Kemana-mana bawa walkman.
ReplyDeleteDuh senengnya bisa lihat konsernya secara langsung, jadi nostalgia masa remaja ya mbak.
Wow legend ini, aku waktu kecil cuma tau cover kasetnya aja, kalau lagunya gak paham hehe, karena masih SD kayaknya. Tapi tau banget sih ini Band memang hits pada zamannya
ReplyDeletembaak, seru bangeett anaknya udah bisa diajak nonton konser, ahaha. asik banget yaa kalau bisa kompak gini sama anak :D
ReplyDeleteanak2 walau ini musik bkn di masanya tetap mau nobar ya mba, ih seruuuu... lejeeen banget GnR tuh, aku disetelin sama kakak dan spupu2 laki pada suka genre ini. So lucky mba Indah bisa nonton band kesukaan
ReplyDeleteWiiiihhhh seruuu bgt nonton konser ya mba.
ReplyDeleteApalagi sama kluarga.
Makin enjoyyy
Lihat pic auto penasaran, ni si anak-anak gimana ya diajak nonton, emang suka...ternyata ada alasan kenapa mereka bisa ikut. Memang mesti didengerin dulu sih. Kalau seumuran saya, walau nggak memfavoritkan GnR, masih tahu lah songnya macam november rain atau sweet child o mine.
ReplyDeleteWaaooo... GNR.. exactly, we were grew up listening to their hits.
ReplyDeleteDo you need some time on your own?
Do you need some time all alone?
(November Rain) :D :D
Btw, I wonder to your photos. Many chairs in front of the stage... I can't imagine GNR concert look like "kondangan"... hehehe...
suamiku suka banget sama guns n roses nih mba, pasti seru ya nonton konsernya secara langsung
ReplyDeleteWah, mbak Indah penggemar GUN N ROSES ya
ReplyDeleteNonton konser band kesayangan emang seru banget ya mbak
Apalagi bisa nonton bareng keluarga
Senangnya bisa menyaksikan secara langsung band legendaris ini kak Indah. Pasti berkesan sekali ya. Saya juga penyuka lagu lagu Guns n Roses loh
ReplyDeleteSeru banget ya Mbak Jadi jangan mudah dan mendengarkan musiknya pasti menyenangkan bertemu dengan idola ataupun musik yang disukai
ReplyDeleteWah seru jadi dapat tiket dari temannya mba Indah, malah bisa ngajak anak-anak nonton konser Guns n Roses ya mba. Anak- anak enjoy juga tuh terlihat dari fotonya.
ReplyDeleteAnakku yang bungsu juga suka dengerin lagu lawas. Pertama denger aku kaget kok dari kamarnya terdengar lagu lagu kesukaan aku dan suami, hahahaa
Kelihatan hepi dan nostalgia dengan band favorit ya, Mbak. Anak-anak terlihat menikmati pertunjukan juga tuh
ReplyDeleteWaaawww band legen jaman aku sekolah maak...aku sukaak banget lagu lagunya...duh senengnya bisa lihat konsernyaa
ReplyDeleteBaca judulnya aja dalam hati langsung nyanyi Sweet Child O Mine, hehehe
Aku tahu GnR waktu masih SMP. Mereka udah kakek-kakek ga sih? Masih powerful?
Seru banget yak bisa nonton langsung band legendaris gini. Apalagi nonton sama keluarga, duh pastinya seru banget.
ReplyDeleteYour daugher's picture is really grab my attention.
Love her gesture and her expression as well.
Allow me to greet your girl's birth day:
" Congratulations pretty girl! Many happy returns of the day!"
What is your most favorite song from Guns n Roses, Sis?
Me: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Obi tambah gede makin kece aja, mbak. Peluk hangat dari Semarang yaaa... jadi ingat terakhir ketemu pas dia ada tanding di hall-nya Unimus itu.
ReplyDeleteSeru euy nonton GnR di Wellington. Om Axl masih ganteng kah? :))
Seru nih bisa kesampaian nonton pertunjukan dari band favorit apalagi itu band legendaris. Kayaknya udah ada sejak aku masih remaja deh.
ReplyDeleteWow nonton konsernya Gun n Roses! Keren mbak. Aku kenal GnR pas SMP, gara2 idolaku ngeband pakai lagu mereka , wkkka. Semenjak itu ya bisa lah greneng2 beberapa lagunya