Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Underwater scenery at Tanjung Putus, Lampung, Indonesia
Welcome back to Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Welcome back!

I am super relieved that my training is completed and although I have to go back to my back-to-back meetings and deadlines at the office, I am glad that one important step in my career is completed. It was quite burdensome as I have to do it back to back with all the demanding works from the office. Well, I guess it teaches me more about time and stress management, as I really struggled with those during the training. Now, I am back focusing on some deadlines and perhaps, getting ready for the next assignment abroad. Sound like a plan! 

I have been wanting to travel a bit a gain but apparently I have to wait as the condition is far from conducive. We have surging numbers of cases of COVID-19 and after the celebration of Eid-Al Fitr, which for some involved family gathering and traveling in groups, we are now looking at people infected by the virus. We even have many casualties in the office and the policies of hosting meetings are getting tougher. Sometimes I feel so tired and hopeless with all the chaos created by this virus, but I know we just have to continue fighting. God, bless us strength and perseverance and this too shall pass! 

Now I feel like I need to do diving soon. Hope I can do it soon. I feel like I need something to keep my spirit up and not succumb to the depression choking us here and there. Well, while waiting for the right time to go out and about again, I busy myself with works and dig deep to my external hard drive to see some cool and relaxing clips I took underwater. Well, it helps for a while. I just can't wait to hit the road and start new adventures! Wait for me, world...

Underwater scenery at Tanjung Putus, Lampung, Indonesia
let's go diving....

And now, without further ado, join me on Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Enjoy the link party!

Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers

This week I have a favor, we would love to hear your comment after you share your links, we know that you are all very busy however, and in 15 seconds or less you can write a comment that we would appreciate and love to read. Thank you and have a wonderful week!  
Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers

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Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Win a Set of Mason Jar Lights and Mason Jar Craft Ideas Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Jakarta Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram 

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Shop My Boutique Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Summer Recipe Collection Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Follow me to easy street decor Recipe Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

omhgww-Features-Week-263 Naked-Banana-Cake-with-Fresh-Flowers.

Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Karins Kottage // Naked banana cake with flowers


Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo French Creek Farmhouse // How to Sew the Ladder Stitch Pineapple-Mango-Salsa

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Seasonal and Holiday Recipe Exchange // Pineapple Mango Salsa


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Little Treasure's // Crochet Head Scarf Now-Its-A-Jewelry-Box

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Apple Street Cottage // Now Its A Jewelry Box Amaretto-Cake-Bundt-Cake

Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Sock Fairies // Amaretto Cake Bundt Cake Vanity-and-Me-Summer-Accessories-Haul 

Vanity and Me Summer Spring Fashion Accessories Haul 2021 


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Kitchen is My Playground // Coconut Cream Layered Cake With its two fluffy whipped layers sandwiching a layer of coconut cream filling topped with crunchy toasted coconut topping. Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week > Add Your Email < Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...] Now Before You Get Started would you take a moment to Let us know your thoughts and thank you for Sharing, it is appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Now Lets Party!!!

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  1. Thanks again for hosting this lovely party every week! I know how much time and effort goes into doing so and it is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  2. Alhamdulillah ya Mba, pelatihannya beres, tetep jaga kesehatan selalu.Duh udah ga kuku buat refresing keknya.Dan cara traveling asik jaman now iya jalan2 lewat hard drive eksternal duluuu, selamat berpetualaang, hiii.

  3. Berharap juga mba aku bisa diving. Tampak seru dan menyenangkan tentunya suatu saat nanti melakukannya :)

  4. saya juga kangen travelling mba, duh boro2 travelling, sekedar kongkow di cafe aja deh, aku belum berani hahaa sehat selalu ya mba :)

  5. God, bless us strength and perseverance and this too shall pass!

    Ini doa kita semua ya mba
    Bismillah, semogaaaa pandemi ini segera bubar jalan, aamiin

  6. sama mbaa, ku juga sudah rindu jalan-jalan, tapi kondisi gak memungkinkan. huhu..
    wow, btw ternyata sukak diving ya? aku mah takuuutt. mentok-mentok pernah snorkeling doang itu pun dengan penuh ketakutan.. hehe

  7. its so nice, coralnya kece bgt.Aku kangen liburan nih, masih lama ya nih PPKM? hiks

  8. Wah alhamdulillah akhirnya training selesai juga... selamat ya Mba semoga berkah dan karirnya terus melejit ..Aamiin Allohumma Aamiin.. :D

  9. I hope we could survive and stay sane during this difficult time. Stay safe sister πŸ’–

  10. Suka banget lihat keindahan bawah laut. Terakhir aku diving di Bali tahun 2012. Uda lama banget, jadi kangen mau lagi

  11. Duh sama ih aku juga kangen banget travelling, pengen banget ke jogja eh taunya pandemi hihi

  12. Alhamdulillah banget, kak Indah...masi diberi nikmat bekerja dan bonusnya..travelling tipis-tipis. Kalau untuk jaga stamina, selain bahagia, diboost sama apalagi, kak IndΓ h?

  13. Sehat selalu ya mbak Indah, memang tidak mudah bekerja dan beaktivitas di tengah badai pandemi ini yaa. yang kita perlukan adalah taat menrapkan prokes selama di rumah dan tempat kerja, begitu juga kalau acara keluar yaa. apalagi sekarang mulai tinggi lagi kasus tedampak covid-19 yaa. Semoga mbak Indah dan keluarga selalu sehat dan semoga bisa diving again setelah pandemi berlalu yaa. Semangat mbakku

  14. Asyik banget mbak bisa diving, melihat keindahan bawah laut dengan mata secara langsung. Jadi wisg lit saya juga nih, semoga suatu hari bisa merasakan pengalaman ini juga

  15. Ah, senangnya kalau sekarang bisa langsung diving. Aku lama sekali sudah tak diving, terakhir di 2019, sebulan sebelum corona. Itu terumbu karangnya cakep sekali. Wis pokoknya begitu pandemi meredan, cus langsung traveling + diving ya, Mbak.

  16. Iya kasus covid belakangan emang makin parah gak terkendali. Kami juga nahan2 gak ke mana2 mbak, mudik gak, liburan gak, mau staycation msh khawatir jg.
    Semoga saja ya abis ini ada keajaiban, penurunan kasus dll, dunia aman lagi, bisa pelesir tanpa tes2 lg dan lbh aman, aamiin

  17. Yay, selamat ya mbak udah naik level selesai training. Ready to go abroad? Stay healthy and happy with your life!

  18. Glad to know you're busy with your work. Just don't forget to stay healthy and stay safe ya Mba πŸ₯°

  19. Glad to know you're busy with your work. Just don't forget to stay healthy and stay safe ya Mba πŸ₯°

  20. Glad to know you're busy with your work. Just don't forget to stay healthy and stay safe ya Mba πŸ₯°

  21. Glad to know you're busy with your work, Mba. Just don't forget to stay healthy and stay safe ya Mba. :)
    Let's hope this pandemic will end soon :)

  22. Alhamdulillah yaa mbak insav moga selalu sehat dan tetep jaga kesehatan. Pakai masker dan selalu megang orotokol kesehatan ya mba


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