You probably remember my previous post about my visit, first time ever, to Moscow, the capital city of the Russian federation.
Read: Hello Moscow, I am Coming.
As I said, it was a very memorable trip and definitely exciting. I only spent less than 3 days, packed with meetings, but surely we managed to see the famous landmark of Moscow, the Red Square.
Read: Hello Moscow, I am Coming.
As I said, it was a very memorable trip and definitely exciting. I only spent less than 3 days, packed with meetings, but surely we managed to see the famous landmark of Moscow, the Red Square.
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Everyone in Red Square literally took picture of this! |
Red Square has been famous for being the heart of Moscow.
Being number one tourists’ destination in Moscow, here lies several historical buildings and important, unique spots deemed tourists’ attractions as well as architecture gems. Perhaps one of the most striking one is St, Basil's Cathedral.
You know, the cathedral with super unique dome with intricate details and vivid colors it looks surreal. At the same spot, we can enjoy many museum, the Tsar's tower, Lenin's Mausoleum and more.
Before coming here, I read some reviews about what we can do for one day in Moscow. Most of them, if not all, recommend visiting the Red Square.
Well, my Russian colleagues complained why I only had one extra day in Moscow with so many places to see. Not that I didn’t want to but more works are waiting in Jakarta so that my team and I had to go home to Jakarta right away. Nevertheless, I feel grateful for having a little break and getting to see the best the city can offer.
So there I was.. standing in the middle of Red Square.
The one-and-only Red Square.
I felt beyond happy and about to cry at the same time.
This is just like a dream-come-true destination for me.
I remember meticulously preparing the trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg with my petite family,, the Frakarsas, back in 2009 when we regretfully cancelled it after a series of bombing incidents happened in the city’s subway. Bo, our son, was only 3 and we couldn’t risk traveling to places like this. Ten years after, my Rabb answered my prayers and I finally visited Moscow for the first time ever. Alhamdulillah.. merci my Rabb ππ»ππ»ππ».
So flying through Istanbul, we arrived in Moskow on Tuesday afternoon. Heading straight to the Ambassador’s office and having the courtesy call, we had dinner at a place call.. I forgot :). Before dinner, we stopped by the Zaryadne Park, near the Moskva River to see the St. Basil's Cathedral from outside.
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Cheers... |
The following day we had full bilateral meeting, with wonderful lunch served at the mansion of the MoFA. It was a very productive meeting and certainly many follow ups we need to do afterwards. All in all, it was a successful meeting and both parties enjoyed the process as well as the result.
Once we were done with the meeting, we directly went to the Red Square.
Good thing it was summer, so we had long days.
Arriving at the Red Square at around 5 PM, we were directly walking towards the heart of it. Starting from the Museum of Archeology of Moscow, we admired the architecture designs of the building.
Even the gate to the Red Square is amazing!
I was actually trying to get more detailed information about the gate but I wasn't very successful here. Perhaps I should learn Russian to make it easier!
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Striking red.. |
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where to go first? |
Even the gate to the Red Square is amazing!
I was actually trying to get more detailed information about the gate but I wasn't very successful here. Perhaps I should learn Russian to make it easier!
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At the gate of the Red Square, with the team. |
Striking red brick seems to be the trade mark, as the State Historical Museum is also standing across the street. Too bad we didn't have time to enter this place but I made a mental note that I have to be back here and definitely explore the museums.
The side of the Museum of archeology of Moscow |
As we stepped into the Red Square, we were again wowed by the vastness of the area, surrounded but beautiful and historical buildings. One of them is the Kazan Cathedral. Ornate with pink and white bricks, the church looks glorious with its golden domes and intricate details. I was tempted to go inside and see more glorious settings but I knew I had no time :(.
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The Kazan Chatedral in Pink and White |
At the same spot, we have the oldest shopping center in Moscow, GUM Department Store. To me, it looks more like palace instead of the shopping mall. It is very artistic and the good thing is, the good being sold are tax free. Please correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I read in one of the signs.
Here you can find all those branded stores like Dior, Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and more, as well as the most delicious ice cream in the city.
Oh, and there is a fountain in the middle of the Mall that looks cute.
When we were there, it was packed with watermelon and cantaloups. Perfect fruits for summer in Moscow.
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GUM Department Store |
It was delicious and only costed me 100 Rubel, or Rp 22.000,- or less than 2 USD! Very, very cheap, right. Even cheaper than Jakarta.
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My yummy ice cream |
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Perfect summer day! |
Yet, we saw many stalls and vendors selling traditional handicrafts like various kinds of Matryoshka, Russian chocolate and candy, ushanka or the Russian hats, and more. I just love to see them all!
And, as the final stop, we once again took pictures of St. Basil's Chatedral.
I have to say I can't get enough of it!
Again, here's the video of me welcoming myself to Moscow and get more shots from the airport to the city of Moscow! More videos are coming and wish me luck with the editing.
Don't you just love them! |
I have to say I can't get enough of it!
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The colourful domes are like magnet to me! |
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Mini - me loves this place, too :) |
That's what I had on my first visit to the Red Square, Moscow, Russia and its charms and will definitely be back with more story about the subway in Moscow and the ones that we tried!
Stick round and see you on the next adventure!
Mba Indah keren as always :*
ReplyDeleteBangunan keren-keren pula ya mba, pastinya bikin pengen balik lagi nih.
Apalagi Red Square nya ya :)
Kalau liat di fotonya, emang semua bangunan di lokasi tersebut kece-kece banget, terawat sih ya, jadinya bagus banget view nya :)
Hndycraft-nya unyuuu buanget Mba
ReplyDeleteAnakku nih yg mupeng dgn segala hal berbau Rusia.
Dia jg pengin ngetrip ke sana
Akupun jugak mauuuu ngetrip ke Russia :D
DeleteI always love your great picture kak... Hope someday will visit this amazing place..
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful sky. what a beautiful place :D
ReplyDeleteGedung2nya antik sampai mallnya juga ya. Keren smp Rusia. Negara ke berapa ni mbak?
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah ya Mbak kesampaian ke Moskow setelah 10 tahun tertunda.. dan gak sia-sia! Semuanya cantik, unik, ah.. indah sekali ya, Mbak. Seperti nama Mbak Indah. Eaaaa :D
ReplyDeleteAhhhh lucunya mini nya mba Indah foto dekat dome warna warni.
ReplyDeleteSeneng ya mbak kalo sisa waktu kerja pas dinas luar gini bisa mampir lihat-lihat tempat kece di Moscow
Wah beruntung banget bisa ke Moscow, it is one of my biggest dream, i wish it someday come true �� sehat selalu yah mba ��
ReplyDeleteWuih, Red Square. Tempat impian anakku nomor 4. Dari internet dia tahu tempat ini. Dia ngomong terus pengen ke sana. Red Square dan Kremlin katanya. Indah banget memang ya. Arsitektur gedeng-gedungnya kereeeen...
ReplyDeleteya ampun, foto2nya bikin mupeng.. yang paling atas kayak istana aladin. indah banget, mbak
ReplyDeleteHuaa mba Indah foto2nya keren banget sih, pakai kamera apa? Duh jadi pengen ke Moscow deh. Doain aku ya mba semoga bisa kesana.
ReplyDeleteSayang banget ya cuma bisa liat dari luar. Itu mallnya kece bangey kyk yang di paris ya mbak
ReplyDeleteFoto-foto kak Indah di Moskow kaya gambar di kartu pos.
ReplyDeleteBegitu nyata dan cantiikk~
Keindahan bangunannya kaya di negeri dongeng yaa, kak...
DeletePlus ditemenin sama mini me nya kak Indah...uwooo~
wowww red square dan keunikan2nya...
ReplyDeletesemoga bisa kesana jugaaak.. krimnya kok murah yaaa...beneran lebih murah dr di Jakarta itu maah...
jangan kebanyakan nanti flu lho hahaha
Wow, seperti melihat dunia Aladin ya, Mbak. Awesome and very arthistic. Itu yang GUM Department store, I absolutely agree with you that it looks like castle not department store. Sudah kpersisi istana Princess Jasmine aja, hahaha, dasar aku orangnya ter-Aladin.
ReplyDeleteaduh mauu ikut mba hehe.
ReplyDeletebagus banget ya itu. Dan kok eskrimnya cheap..iyaa jadi nambah mupeng :)
coba bisa lebih lama ya di sana, pasti banyak ceritanya seruu. Tapi ini aja udah keren mbaaa ^^
bagus sekali ya Red Square Moscow Russia. beneran aethetic gitu mba setiap bangunannya. malah jalanan raya nya pun juga. kecelah pokoknya
ReplyDeleteAaahh selama ini aq masih liat red square lewat buku2 atau di TV aja Mba, kereeennn nanti aq mau pose dsana juga klo ada rezeki visit ksana :)
ReplyDeleteAh, what a loooovely video you share with us Indah ^^
ReplyDeleteNegara impian saya banget ini Mbak Indah
ReplyDeleteBahkan punya penpals dari sana yang suka kirimin kartu pos menarik
Kayak gambar di kalender pas zaman aku kecil. Mimpi pengen ke Rusia terutama sih daerah Kazakhstan
ReplyDeleteJadi inget zaman kartu pos, suka ngumpulin gambar-gambat tempat wisata di dunia, kayak foto-foto di sini keren-keren sebagus tempat wisatanya, apalagi Moskow terkenal dengan lapangan merahnya, siapa tahu kelak bisa jalan-jalan ke Moskow atau Eropa deh bareng keluarga, anak-anak pasti antusias banget.
ReplyDeleteMoscow adalah salah satu impian destinasi wisataku nih, insya Allah tahun depan mau kesana. Karena banyak banget yang sudah ingin aku explore deh.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sky and place!
ReplyDeleteMoscow, the one of my bucket list. Terpesona sama bangunan-bangunannya. Walaupun nggak mengerti sama bahasa/tulisannya, tapi tetep penasaran pengen ke sana mba. Hehe..
OMG, St. Basil's Chatedral looks like Disney palace. It was always the iconic symbol of Moscow for me and on my bucket list to visit.
ReplyDeleteYa Allah pertama kali dateng pas ada bom di subway. Duh kalau saya mgkn sudah trauma ya, Mba. Hebat Mba Indah malah balik lagi yaa. Saya jadi penasaran deh mau kesana. Semoga ada rejeki membawa saya kesana.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to hear that you finally visited Moscow after ten years you've cancelled for the trip. But one day is not enough to explore so many places there, right? Hopefully you can come back again with your family
ReplyDeleteBahagianya jd mba indah bisa kerja sekaligus mngenal bbrp negara hiks aku mupeng,, indah banget Moscow y next mudah2an bisa segera kesana
ReplyDeleteIkonnya kota moskow. Waktu kecil klo lihat foto bangunan itu di buku/majalah sy kira mesjid lho
ReplyDeleteBeautiful city...bangunannya bagus-bagus ya..
ReplyDeleteWish someday i can be there :)
Bangunannya unik banget ya mbak, dulu itu aku kira maket aja lho mbak, bukan sungguhan, masyaAllah. jadi kepingin deh ke sana
ReplyDeletepake kamera apa ini mba, ahsilnya bisa memaksimalkan objek yah, keren jadi terlihat tambah memikat, mantap
ReplyDeleteWoww amazing banget tripnya. Beautiful country ya, memang jadi pengen berkunjung. Iya sih kalau mau eksplore tempat apalagi yang banyak bangunan bagus kayak gini, nggak bisa cepat-cepat. Harus spending more time.
ReplyDeleteWah, cantik-cantik banget ya mbak bangunannya di sana... Semoga kapan-kapan saya bisa ke sana juga...
ReplyDeleteSubhanallah bangundannya cakep banget ini mah mba. Moscow cantik ya kotanya.
ReplyDeleteSubhanallah Moscow emang bagus banget mba, pengen kesana tapi ga tau kapan hehehe
ReplyDeleteI have always wanted to go. The architecture there is incredible! It sounds like you had a very memorable first trip there, Indah!
ReplyDeleteI always get a history lesson and some really pretty views from your articles and this one is no different. You make Moscow look inviting and that ice cream...oh yeah TFS and for co-hosting at #omhgww
ReplyDeleteThe buildings are amazing! So many colors, and patterns on them. We have such boring buildings in the US.
ReplyDeleteThe buildings are so colorful! Love the scenery. TFS