Allow me to join you then, as I am a big fan of Orchid.
This wonderful flower has long been stealing my attention (and my heart) for its unique appearance, mysterious aura, and purple shades.
Well, obviously not all orchids are purple but most of them are!
Welcome to Orchid Forest, Cikole. |
Check out my previous post on De Ranch Lembang when we had fun riding horses and horse-drawn carriage in such a beautiful environment, with Mount Gede-Pangrango at the backdrop.
After spending around 2.5 hours at De Ranch, we decided to go further up to see Cikole.
My husband loved this place because he used to go downhill with his team here.
This is one of his videos there.
So when we drove up from Cikole gate, we asked the officers in charge what attractions are available up there. He told us about Orchid Forest which is just recently opened and that it's a beautiful picnic spot with so many Instagramable spots.
Without further due, we paid the tickets and off we went up.
Here's some snapshots from our trip to Orchid Forest, Cikole, West Java.
It is truly a beautiful and peaceful place.
It took us around 1 hour 30 minutes drive from Bandung to Cikole.
Through Jalan Raya Tangkuban Perahu or the the main road to Lembang, the trip might be a bit tricky due to traffic.
But beautiful surroundings, fantastic view, cool fresh air, and wonderful orchid forest is waiting so it worths the trip.
The ticket is only Rp 30.000,- per person (adult and kids I guess) and Rp 30.000,- for car parking. I believe it its cheaper for motorcycle. Since the forest is located slightly up in the hill, we still have to drive for about 20 minutes up from the gate.
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I really love this moss ball! super cute! |
Orchid Forest Cikole is located at Cikole, Lembang, Bandung, West Java.
This place is open at 9 AM to 6 PM.
As we came here during the weekend, it was quite packed. Many groups were coming to this place as well at that time. So you could hear dangdut music here and there LOL.
But one thing for sure, everyone was having FUN!
This place is open at 9 AM to 6 PM.
As we came here during the weekend, it was quite packed. Many groups were coming to this place as well at that time. So you could hear dangdut music here and there LOL.
But one thing for sure, everyone was having FUN!
Do you like orchid, too?
Do you plant them at home?
Which one is your favorite?
Will you come to this place as well?
Join us on (almost) Wonderful Wednesday and have fun linking up with many bloggers from around the globe. Click here to join us.
Wah aku baru tahu ada orchid secantik ini di Cikole ��
ReplyDeleteBiaya masuknya terjangkau ya mba Indah. Semoga terawat selalu
Iya mba.. bagus tempatnya
DeleteBunganya keren banget mbk, banyak variasi warna. Kapan ya bisa kesana... hmm
ReplyDeleteHopefully soon mba
DeleteThe orchids are beautiful. Have been to Bandung numerous times, but I never went to Cikole. Maybe next time, I can go there with my family. I bet it will be refreshing and full of new information as well. Thank you for the information about Orchid Forest Cikole.
ReplyDeleteNext time go ahead and visit this place
Deleteaku yang orang bandung malah belum pernah ke orchid forest, kalau outbound disana pernah, thanks for sharing mba, next time aku coba kesini ah
ReplyDeleteSama-sama Windaaa
DeleteKak Indah ya ampyuuunn ini cantiiik banget!
ReplyDeleteAku pasti ogah pulang deh kalo main ke tempat ini
Iyaa memang tempatnya nyenengin bangeet
DeleteWalah, baru tahu saya kalau di Lembang, Bandung ada Orchid Forest yang menyajikan banyak macam Anggrek cantik.
ReplyDeletePerlu banget nih kalau main ke Bandung mampir ke Orchid Forest..
Iyaaa tinggal langsung ke Lembang
DeleteThose orchids are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite flowers
DeleteWah, mbak indah abis main ke bandung... Saya yg orang bandung malah belum pernah jalan2 ke orchid forest, pengen deh, cantik2 banget ya anggreknya :)
ReplyDeleteHehehe ayo mba main.. ngg jauh kok dari Bandung
DeleteCantik bangetttt Mbakkk. Pas juga warna kesayangan Mbak Indah ya. Anggun sekali.
ReplyDeleteIyaaa nih mba.. makanya sukaaa
Deletecantik-cantik banget mbaaa bunganya..5 th di Bandung saat kuliah belum pernah kesini.. :(
ReplyDeleteWow cantik-cantik banget ya mba. Warnanya juga ungu. Gemess!
ReplyDeleteSemoga someday bisa main ke taman anggrek yang super cantik ini. Aamiin :)
Masya Allah.. Cantik2 bangett anggreknya. Mau aku pajang deh di rumah. Sy paling gemes liat ungu2 cantik begini.
ReplyDeletebiaya masuknya gak mahal2 amat, suasana cocok buat refreshing apalagi kl memang suka sama anggrek... yg bikin mumet mungkin pas rute jalan ke sana ya... karena muacet
ReplyDeleteWaa..dulu ke Cikole buat kemping, sekarang udah ada Orchid Forest dengan nunga yang cantik - cantik begini ������
ReplyDeletecantik banget bunga anggreknya. semoga pengunjung bisa menjaga bunga-bunga ini dan gak ada yg iseng metik
ReplyDeleteWaktu ke cikole dulu kayaknya belum ada tempat ini.. Cakep cakep orchidnya.. Bikin seneng mata memandangnya
ReplyDeleteMamaku penggemar anggrek dan sempat menanamnya di rumah kalau lagi mekar rumah jadi cantik sekaliii
ReplyDeleteKl gak karena postingan ini, bunda gak tau kalo ada Forest Orchard somewhere in Lembang. Bunda has to be there one with my beloved children n grandsons.
ReplyDeleteSaya suka takjub sama aggrek, macam-macam banget jenisnya. Walau sudah ada yang punah, tetap masih banyak saja ya. Ah, semoga saja tidak ada lagi yang punah.
ReplyDeleteI love the endless variety of orchids.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing at
There was awhile where I was obsessed with orchids. They are so delicate, and sometimes they take on the characteristics of something else.
ReplyDeleteWhat an nice place!! Wah, kalau begini bisa sekalian belajar botani keluarga anggrek yaa... cocok buat anak, ah aku jadi mau ke sana.
ReplyDeleteOh My semua serba ungu cantik banget, aku dulu pernah jadi ungu lover mba karena sahabat baikku pecinta ungu terong seperti itu. Dari gelasnya, slayer buat kepala jaman-jaman masih suka wall climbing dan hiking wkwkkkw), carriel, aku pakai ungu terong
ReplyDeleteI would be in heaven here! Orchids are one of my favorite flowers. I've never had much luck keeping them alive though.
ReplyDeleteDuh, aku belom pernah ke sini nih. Belom sempet aja. Hihi, malu. Orang Bandung tapi gak tahu orchid cikole. Semoga bisa segera ah. Kepengen jeprat-jepret anggek yang cantik-cantik itu.
ReplyDeleteWah bisa jadi destinasi wisata baru nih pas ke bandung. Spot2 nya juga bagus untuk foto foto ya
ReplyDeleteDi Lembang makin banyak tempat yang dikunjungi ya. Apalagi bunga-bunganya cakep banget ini
ReplyDeleteAdemnya, kak...aku lihat foto-foto bunga cantik di Lembang.
ReplyDeletePas ke Lodge Maribaya, aku gak ke Orchid Forest, kak Insav...
Sedih kalo inget...soalnya cuaca ga mendukung waktu itu, plus bawa ponakan masih bayi.
Cantik sekali mbak bunga2nya..
ReplyDeleteAku jadi ingat, bapakku pernah berusaha memelihara anggrek. Tapi selalu gagal karena cuaca Gresik sangatttttt panas
Seneng banget ya, Mbaa. Nemu bunga yang disukai. Kalo aku mah suka dengan hampir semua bunga, kecuali bunga bangkai ��
ReplyDeleteAku baru tahu di Indonesia ada Orchid Forest kaya di beberapa negara Asia. Aku suka Anggrek dan pernah punya tapi krn ngga paham cara perawatan nya, jadinya mati. Suka saja lihat nya unik. Ok siap masukin ke travel destination list aku kalau ke Bandung
ReplyDeleteI love orchid too. This month i started plant some orchid in my backyard like dendrobium
ReplyDeleteDengan harga segitu bisa melihat lihat bunga yang bagus dan indah worth it banget ya mba, saya pengen kesana tapi jauh banget apadaya
ReplyDeleteAku org bdg tpi udah lama.banget gak jalan ke cikole. Ternyata cikole sekarang ada tempat gini ya. Baru tau loh hahahaha
ReplyDeleteAku exlpore Orchid Cikole ini belum puas mbaa. Karena kelelahan menginap d tenda hutan pinus Cikole nya, jadi sisa-sisa energi juga kesini nya hehe tapi over all suka banget sama suguhan alam dan juga bisa ngasi makan kelinci yg super cute
ReplyDeletewaaa ku suka bunga bungaaa. bagus banget disanaa, ku belom pernah kesana mba hehe
ReplyDeleteI love orchid too mba! The beautiful flower and color... love the moss ball too, hmmm I think I should visit orchid cikole also to see those beautiful creatures :D
ReplyDeleteThe orchids look sooooo beautiful. I guess the purple ones are your favourite, right? ;)
ReplyDeleteJadi inget pas kuliah, berkutat sama bunga untuk beberapa mata kuliah dan kultur jaringan anggrek. Anw aku jadi pengen kesini. I lover orchids! Especially the Phalenopsis kind.
ReplyDeleteWah akuu suka banget sama bunga2an terutama bunga Anggrek, mau ah mampir ke sini nanti kalo liburan skeolah anak :)
ReplyDeleteCantik2 mbak, aku malah baru tau kalau di Cikole ada kebun anggrek :D
ReplyDeleteTiket masuknya termasuk murah ya :D
Btw moss ball itu apa ya?
Cantik2 banget orchid nya😆 baru ta juga di Cikole ada orchid forest. Well, cocok nih sebentar lg kan musim liburan, bisa jadi rekomendasi tempat wisata nih.
ReplyDeleteAku baru tahu ada tempat wisata ini, mb.Duh senangnya kalau ada orchid yang indah indah seperti ini
ReplyDeletekalau main ke sini puas deh menikmati keindahan bunga anggrek. Selain dipajang ada juga yang dijual gak mbak? harganya pasti lumayan itu ya, bunga anggreknya cakep2 deh warnanya banyak yang ungu, warna favorite mbak indah khan
ReplyDeleteYou always go to very interesting places. Great co-hosting with you this week.
ReplyDeleteI could stay in there all day! I love orchids. They are so pretty. Have you seen the movie Adaptation? They talk about orchids throughout the film. I think of that movie.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful opportunity to visit a forest that is so beautiful, I love all those colors! Thank you for co-hosting with us!! Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteLove the orchids. They are beautiful. TFS and thanks for co-hosting on #OMHGWW
ReplyDeleteThe orchids are gorgeous. There are so many great colors. TFS and for co-hosting on #OMHGWW